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Researcher in MSk lab wearing PPE and holding a 3D printed object

3-D Printer technician working with 3-D printing surgical guides for partial knee operations

Researcher with willing participant on treadmill in the Gait Analysis lab

Dr Amy Maslivec, researcher and a patient in the Gait Analysis Lab

Research in the MSk lab

Research in the MSk lab

Robyn Andrews, 3-D Printer technician in the 3-D Printer in the MSk Lab

Motion capture for gait analysis

Our facilities include an instrumented treadmill to collect kinetic data and a motion capture system to collect kinematic data

PhD student running tests with female athlete wearing knee brace and movement tracking equipment

Research by Prof Alison McGregor into rowing performance with a focus on rowing kinematics and mechanisms of injury, with Professor Anthony Bull. The work was in association with the GB Rowing team and these studies contributed to the Team's preparations for the 2012 home Olympic Games.

Prof Justin Cobb

Professor Justin Cob, Centre Principal Investigator

Dr Jonathan Jeffers

Dr Jonathan Jeffers, Centre Principal Investigator

Professor Molly Stevens

Professor Molly Stevens, Centre Principal Investigator

Professor Anthony Bull

Professor Anthony Bull, Centre Principal Investigator

The Musculoskeletal Medical Engineering Centre (MSk MEC) has a focus to drive the development of promising musculoskeletal innovations arising from the Centre. The Centre’s PIs, Professor Anthony Bull, Professor Justin Cobb, Dr Jonathan Jeffers, and Professor Molly Stevens have established the MSk Accelerator. 

The MSk Accelerator offers industry-inspired product development support, including an ISO13485 certified Quality Management System, for the design and development of medical devices. The Accelerator greatly benefits from the translation culture at Imperial College.

Projects with translational potential enter the MSk Accelerator through an established selection process, including a review by a panel of MedTech experts, and with the Industrial Partnership and Commercialisation team’s advice on best exploitation route.

Based on this, a development action plan is established, to navigate the project along the translational pathway. Selected projects benefit from some translation funding, and from tailored Project Management support, to deliver an increase in TRL and the accompanying design & development documentation. The Steering Committee meets quarterly to review progress.

Founded in 2018, the structure has facilitated two RAEng Enterprise Fellowships and the establishment of two Imperial College start-up companies.

Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about our Accelerator.


The Msk Accelerator has expanded to all MedTech! Find out more about MedTechONE, Imperial College Medical Technologies Overarching New Enterprise.