Below are the list of project associated with the Image Acquisition and Signal/Image Processing theme.

The hyperlinked project titles will download a PDF file of the full project description.


Lab Based
Supervisor(s)Project Title
 Prof Jimmy Moore MRI phantom to enable imaging of lymphatic vessels
 Dr Andrew Shevchuk, Dr Kambiz Alavian Understanding the role of mitochondrial metabolic efficiency in synaptic transmission
 Dr Rylie Green Living electrode-on-a-chip development of microphysiological models to study bioelectronic interfaces in vitro
 Dr Rylie Green, Dr Bogachan Tahirbegi Conducting polymer nanowire and graphene based transistors on paper and PDMS for‌ ultradense ECoG (Electrocorticography) arrays‌
 Dr Rylie Green, Dr Bogachan Tahirbegi Fabrication of hybrid electrodes and hydrogels from conductive polymer nanowires, graphene and carbon nanotubes on PDMS for non-invasive imaging
Summary of the table's contents
Lab & Desk Based