Below are the list of project associated with the Medical Devices theme. Please note that some projects are in collaboration with other themes.

The hyperlinked project titles will download a PDF file of the full project description.


Lab Based
SupervisorProject Title
Prof Jimmy Moore Jr Lymph Node Implant for Breast Cancer-Related Lymphoedema
Prof Molly Stevens Developing innovative biomaterials for regenerative medicine, advanced therapeut‌ics and biosensing
Dr Barry Seemungal Use of electrophysiological and structural markers of inter-hemispheric connectivity to model the beneficial effect of noisy galvanic vestibular stimlation upon postural control
Dr Choon Hwai Wap Fine Tuning a Novel Hemostatic Bandage for Commercialization
Dr Christopher Rowlands A New Head Mounted Display Concept: Virtual Reality in a Pair of Sunglasses
Dr Christopher Rowlands AstroTIRF: Pinning light to a surface
Dr Christopher Rowlands Drugs on Demand - towards an automated synthesis platform
Dr Christopher Rowlands Dynamic Dichroic Mirrors - making reprogrammable optical filters for stand-off chemical imaging
Dr Christopher Rowlands High-precision LEGO photonics
Dr Christopher Rowlands Making a true 3D camera
Dr Christopher Rowlands Virtually Microscopic - building a virtual-reality interface to complex microscopic data
Dr Christopher Rowlands Watching Sound - creating a new technique for stand-off ultrasound imaging
Dr Reiko Tanaka Learning from noisy labels by EczemaNet
Dr Reiko Tanaka Microfabricated multimodality probes for minimally invasive monitoring the brain
Dr Reiko Tanaka Removing skin colour bias in eczema severity scoring using image-to-image transl‌ation‌
Dr Rylie Green A bioelectronic implant for cancer treatment
Dr Rylie Green Biofunctionalising electrodes through conductive hydrogel coatings
Dr Rylie Green Injectable brain machine interfaces
Dr Rylie Green Neonatal EEG Electrode Cap
Dr Rylie Green Printing of flexible polymer bioelectronics
Dr Rylie Green Living electrode-on-a-chip development of microphysiological models to study bioelectronic interfaces in vitro
Dr Rylie Green, Dr Bogachan Tahirbegi Conducting polymer nanowire and graphene based transistors on paper and PDMS for‌ ultradense ECoG (Electrocorticography) arrays‌
Dr Rylie Green, Dr Bogachan Tahirbegi Fabrication of hybrid electrodes and hydrogels from conductive polymer nanowires, graphene and carbon nanotubes on PDMS for non-invasive imaging
Summary of the table's contents
Desk Based
SupervisorProject Title
 Dr Reiko Tanaka Learning from noisy labels by EczemaNet
 Dr Reiko Tanaka Removing skin colour bias in eczema severity scoring using image-to-image transl‌ation‌
 Dr Rylie Green Injectable brain machine interfaces
Summary of the table's contents