Please note that the following guidance is for Bioengineering exams only. Students taking exams at other departments (EE, Computing, Chemistry, ME, IC Business School, Humanities/Language)  will have to check with the them on separate exam information as they may have different procedures and requirements. We do try to provide links where possible.

Exam timetable

General instructions

All exam candidates must familiarise themselves with the departmental document  which has been compiled considering the College's Instructions for exam candidates and the College's on Student academic integrity, assessments and examinations. Major instructions include:

Room allocation lists and seating plans will be published beforehand here. Where possible we will provide space where candidates can leave their coats and bags. Follow the instructions by the invigilators.

If any notes, paper, phones etc. are found on candidates after exam start, the invigilator can easily interpret this as a cheating offence and the Department may investigate following College's Cheating Offences Policy and Procedures (Paragraphs 23-28).

Calculators will be provided by the Department. We use the models Casio fx-991-ES. Candidates will not be permitted to use their own calculators. Other departments and the Business School may use different models.

Upon exam finish, candidates remain silent and seated until all scripts and documents have been collected from the desks.

Weighting of Exams (and coursework) 

The weighting of exams (and coursework) is stated in the regulations.  Please follow the links to theEssential Information pages of the relevant year:

Special Examination Arrangements

Students with learning disabilities, physical disabilities or any other special needs may be entitled to special arrangements in examinations. These concessions, such as extra-time, separate sitting or permission to use a Word processor, are handled by Registry.

Application requests must be received at least six weeks before a student’s first examination, unless an accident or sudden illness occurs, where the application must be made a s soon as possible after the event.

Please contact the Departmental Disability Officer, Dr Aldo Faisal, or the College's Senior Disability Advisor as soon as possible for further information.

Exam answer books

For a normal exam, candidates find on their desks: a label sheet with CID number and course info (the only one label with a name on it, is meant for seat allocation only), calculator, main answer book and tables or formulae sheets if applicable to subject. Per exam only one main exam book is to use, unless requested otherwise. Supplementary answer books can be requested from the invigilator. Any main exam answer book has to be completed like this:

1. Write your surname, first name and sign. Then peel of the white strip and fold the flap over so the name is hidden. This is a security mechanism for identification.

2. Take a label off the provided label sheet on the desk (with CID number only) and label the answer booklet.

3. At the end of the exam , enter the number s of the questions you have answered on the title sheet of the exam answer book(go to the middle of the exam script that will open when you click here).

Always ensure that every exam answer booklet that is used (main and supplementary) has been labelled with the CID number.

Release of Exam Results

Generally, "Registry is responsible for processing and releasing formal exam results,and for issuing formal confirmation of these results in documents such as transcripts." First though, all exams, coursework and projects will be marked by the relevant members of academic staff. The marking procedure is strictly regulated and guided. Regulations related to exams are listed here. These marks will then be considered at the Board of Examiners meeting, which will confirm what your formal grades should be. For final year students the overall degree classification will be determined.  These decisions will be based on the course regulations (see paragraph on weighting above).

The results for the undergraduate students will be released during the first week of July by the department. Formal transcripts are available from Registry from August (one month after release of results by the department).
The results for the MSc students will be released in August. They will be provisional, pending the confirmation of the Board of Examiners in mid-October. Formal confirmations for the MSc will be available from Registry from November.

On viewing exam scripts

In compliance with College policy, it is not possible to view exam scripts. This is explained on the College Registry website called Access to Personal Data by Subject:

  • 4.1 In accordance with DPAct98, information recorded on their scripts by students during an examination are exempt from subject access. However...A Data Subject has a right to request a copy or summary “in an intelligible form” of any comments made on an examination script by an examiner...