The Medical Physics and Imaging stream replaces the MSc in Engineering and Physical Science in Medicine that has been successfully offered by the Department since 1991.

The Medical Physics stream trains graduates in the physical understanding required for healthcare and medical research, focusing on clinical imaging systems (especially MRI, ultrasound, x-ray and optical techniques), as well as the signal and image processing methods needed for design and optimal use of such systems in diagnosis and research.

Course structure

C=core element, S=specialist element.

Compulsory modules

  • BE9-MSPHYS Systems physiology (C)
  • BE9-MSTDA Statistics and data analysis (C)
  • BE9-MAPMDA Advanced physiological monitoring and data anaysis (S)
  • BE9-MBIMG Biomedical imaging (C)
  • BE9-MJCLUB Journal club (C)
  • BE9-MMDC Medical Device Certification (C)

Option modules (at least four must be chosen)

At least two from:

  • BE9-MAMI Advanced Medical Imaging (S)
  • BE9-MRADP Radiotherapy and radiobiology (S)
  • BE9-MNMED Nuclear medicine (S)
  • BE3-HIPR Image processing (S)

and the rest from:

  • BE9-MBMIME Biomimetics (S)
  • BE9-MCNS Computational neuroscience (mutually exclusive with BE9-MHEDM) (S)
  • BE4-MBMX Biomechanics (S)
  • MSE315 Biomaterials (S)
  • BE9-MHEDM Health economics and decision making (mutually exclusive with BE4-MCNS) (S)
  • BE3-MHASP Hearing and speech processing (S)
  • BE9-MITR Introduction to Robotics (S)


Find out what type of projects you could undertake.