The facility, it's equipment, and services are available for use by members of Imperial College London and the public.

To request access please follow the associated instructions, or contact us to discuss your requirements in more detail.


User Instructions

Internal Users

  1. Create a PPMS account
  2. Request and attend a lab general safety induction
  3. Complete training(s) on required platforms and procedures with an approved user (normally from your own group)
  4. Send the completed IRB Test Suite Induction Form [PDF] together with relevant Risk Assessments (see below) of the project to
  5. Subscribe to the IRB lab mailing list 

Please note that swipe card access will only be given to frequent users and permission from the lead lab user is required. Users with access to the lab are also required to participate in the weekly lab inspection rota.

Please also note that undergrads and master students will not receive swipe card access on their CID card and will need appropriate supervision arranged for when they work in the lab.

Required risk assessment:


External Users

Send an email to detailing:

  • What you would like to do
  • What equipment you would like to use
  • Whether you will be conducting the test yourself or require a test engineer

Relevant safety inductions and training will need to be completed before booking any equipment.

We are happy to discuss and advise on any proposed testing, please contact our engineers if you have any questions.