The Sir Michael Uren Hub

The Sir Michael Uren Hub is an exciting new development at the heart of Imperial’s White City campus. The 13-storey building comprises of state-of-the-art laboratory and office facilities for the next generation of biomedical engineering research across technology and application themes. Housing interdisciplinary research initiatives from across Imperial’s departments and faculties, the building drives clinical translation of MedTech innovation through integrated clinical and imaging facilities and by virtue of its proximity to the Hammersmith Hospital campus. Commercial translation will be promoted by the adjacent Translation and Innovation Hub (IHUB). It brings together over 500 engineers, clinicians, and scientists to develop new and affordable medical technologies. They will combine the latest medical research and engineering to improve the treatment and diagnosis of diverse medical conditions, from finding ways to treat dementia to creating bionic limbs.

Aerial view of the Sir Michael Uren Hub

The Sir Michael Uren Hub has been made possible by a £40 million gift from Imperial alumnus Michael Uren OBE and his Foundation: the most generous donation in the history of the College. This visionary gift has laid the foundations for an unprecedented investment in facilities dedicated to biomedical engineering research. Imperial and the IBME are now actively evaluating opportunities for pioneering research initiatives which will occupy the building and benefit from this unique infrastructure and a revolutionary expansion in the field at the College.

Read more about Imperial's White City Campus.

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A woman at a computer observing another woman on a treadmill while attached with a harness from above

Gait analysis lab at the Sir Michael Uren Hub

A scientist in a lab working on a 3D printed surgical guide partial knee operations wearing PPE

3D printing surgical guides for partial knee operations

Interior of the ground floor reception of the Sir Michael Uren Hub

Ground floor reception of the Sir Michael Uren Hub

Exterior of the Sir Michael Uren Hub  as seen from the Westway road

The Sir Michael Uren Hub

White City North Campus - Drone Footage - September 2021

White City North Campus - Drone Footage - September 2021