The Centre strategy and goals require a multisystem and multi-scale collaborative approach. Engineers, scientists, civil and military clinicians frequently have their own languages and systems of representing knowledge. The Centre facilitates the transfer of information and understanding at the interfaces of each of the disciplines in order to produce results that could not be obtained within a discipline-specific grouping.

The Centre also conducts public engagement activities, including at the Imperial Festival, National Army Museum and a military theatrical production. A key aim of this public engagement is to maintain a strong focus on the intended beneficiaries of the work of the Centre: serving and injured military personnel and veterans.

Having already provided its research into combat boots, blast mats, nerve damage and future survivors to the Ministry of Defence and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, the Centre also influences current military medical procedures in regard to the use of the pelvic binder, publishing all its research outputs in the open literature.

Our Clinical Priorities reflect the most significant conditions arising from blast injury, including:

Clinical Priorities