Dr Alexi Nott - Module Lead, iBSc Neuroscience and Mental Health, Lecturer MSc Translational Neuroscience and Departmental Disability Officer

What course do you teach on and what is your role? 

I am the Module Lead for the Neuroscience and Mental Health Intercalated BSc programme. I also teach a lecture for the BSc Medical Biosciences and the MSc Translational Neuroscience. I also serve as the Departmental Disability Officer (DDO) for the postgraduate students in Brain Sciences. In this role, I am your first point of contact, and I assist in coordinating with your course the support you may require.

How has your career led you to teach? 

My path to teaching started early in my career. While I was a PhD student at University College London, I had the chance to mentor both master's and PhD students. I quickly discovered how fulfilling it was to watch students grow, learn, and develop their own independent ways of thinking. My first formal teaching experience came when I was invited as a postdoctoral fellow to give a few lectures on neurodevelopment to final-year undergraduates at MIT. That opportunity was eye-opening for me. I realised how much I enjoyed sharing my knowledge and helping students see how years of research have shaped our current understanding of complex processes. Whether it is mentoring one-on-one or lecturing to a large class, I find teaching incredibly rewarding at every level. It is amazing to see students’ progress, whether they are just starting out or deep into their studies. Teaching allows me to be part of that journey, helping to shape the next generation of thinkers and professionals.

What aspect of the course do you enjoy teaching the most?

One of the aspects of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Intercalated BSc I have enjoyed the most is leading the journal clubs. It is rewarding to guide the students through the process of understanding and critically appraising research papers. It is a skill that is crucial for any medical professional, and I enjoy helping others to develop that ability. Journal clubs create a space where we can analyse a study’s strengths and weaknesses, explore its implications, and see how it fits into the broader field. I really enjoy seeing students take the lead and present a paper to their colleagues. It is a valuable opportunity for you to practice conveying complex information clearly and confidently, while also sharpening your critical thinking skills as you anticipate questions and defend your analysis.

What do you hope your students will go on to achieve on completion of this course?

The Neuroscience and Mental Health Intercalated BSc is a 1-year course designed to give you a well-rounded understanding of the causes of neurological and mental disorders. Throughout the year, you'll be exploring the origins of common conditions that neurologists and psychiatrists deal with. You will learn about the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to these conditions. We will also dive into how this knowledge has been used to develop treatments and interventions to help people who are affected by these disorders. We use a multidisciplinary approach, which gives you a comprehensive view that combines all these perspectives. By the end of the course, you will have a well-rounded perspective on both the origins of these conditions and the approaches used to treat them.

What is your favourite part about teaching at Imperial College London?

My passion lies in understanding how gene regulatory processes affect the different cell types in the brain, especially in relation to brain aging and disease. Teaching at Imperial gives me the opportunity to share that knowledge with others, inspiring and educating the next generation of students. I enjoy interacting with curious minds, engaging in discussions, and seeing the moment when a student grasps a new concept—that’s incredibly fulfilling. It’s not just about passing on information; it’s about sparking that "aha" moment in someone else. Teaching pushes me to think beyond my immediate research area. It challenges me to explore new ideas and stay curious, which has actually led to some innovative ideas in my work. Learning is a lifelong process, and that journey continues well beyond your time here at Imperial. Teaching and learning are two sides of the same coin, and both are essential for growth and innovation.

As the Departmental Disability Officer (DDO), I work closely with the college's Disability Advisory Service (DAS) to ensure you receive the support you need during your time at Imperial. My role involves coordinating with the course team to implement any reasonable adjustments recommended by DAS after discussing them with you. As the DDO, I am also here to assist with specific questions related to your course, as well as addressing challenges in applying our recommendations, handling mitigating circumstances, and arranging additional exam accommodations.


Dr Shlomi Haar, Edmond and Lily Safra Research Fellow and MSc module 3 co-lead (Introduction to Computational Methods for Neuroscience)

What are you most looking forward to about joining MSc module 3?

Many of the students in the MSc Translational Neuroscience arrive with a limited computational background and module 3 (Introduction to Computational Methods for the Neuroscience) is a unique opportunity to expose them to this new world, and help them develop foundational programming and computational skills. I most look forward to their eureka moment, as they understand this new way of thinking, master the tools, and start using them.

How has your background/career led you to this? 

Student training, through teaching and supervision, is something I’m very passionate about. I have been teaching and supervising students continuously throughout my academic career. I previously led an MSc module in Programming for Cognitive Psychology, which overlaps with module 3. Over the past 4 years, I had the privilege to work with the talented students of the MSc Translational Neuroscience as a project supervisor and I also contributed to teaching, marking, and tutoring in this course. Leading a module is an exciting opportunity to help shape this course moving forward.

What do you hope your students will go on to achieve on completion of this course? 

This course is developing the students’ foundation in translational and computational neuroscientific research. I hope and expect them to go on and contribute to research and development in this field in academia and industry.

How do you feel your education contribution fits into the Department?

A significant number of PhD students in the department are graduates of this course, and the great work that was put into training them is delivering the department's research outputs. I am committed and devoted to maintaining and improving our teaching excellence which pays back to the department with superb research students.

How do you/will you balance your research and education responsibilities?

I strongly believe that research and teaching go together. A successful research programme requires outstanding teaching, mentoring, and supervision to thrive. Hence slowing down research for a few weeks to deliver teaching is an investment. Leading module 3 is my opportunity to contribute to the training of the department’s future research students, but also my future research students, and I look forward to it.

Kathy Abbasirad, e-learning Technologist

Who are you and what is/are your role(s) in the Department?

I’m a Learning Technologist with over 15 years of experience at the university. My job is all about helping students and staff get the most out of educational technology. Whether it’s designing new learning strategies, offering training on digital tools, or working with lecturers to make learning even better. I’m also doing a PhD, which means I’m always learning too, and I love bringing fresh ideas into what I do.

Why did you choose a career in education?

I chose a career in education because I’m really passionate about how learning and technology can change lives. Education is such a powerful tool for personal growth and making a difference in the world, and I wanted to be part of that. This career lets me combine my love for teaching, learning, and tech, and most importantly, it gives me the chance to help others reach their full potential.

What have been the highlights of your career so far?

One of the highlights of my career has been leading projects that have really made a difference in how students learn. For example, I played a key role in launching a digital learning platform that’s now a big part of our education here. Another thing I’m really proud of is mentoring and supporting my colleagues, helping them feel more confident and skilled in using technology to enhance their teaching.

What is your favourite or the most rewarding part of your work in the Department?

The best part of my job is seeing how educational technology can really make a difference in your learning. Whether I’m helping a lecturer design a fun online course or assisting students with digital tools, knowing that my work is making your education better is so rewarding. I also love that I’m always learning something new—educational technology is constantly changing, so there’s always something exciting to explore.

What advice would you give to students considering joining one of our courses?

If you’re thinking about joining our courses, my advice is to dive in and make the most of all the opportunities in our forward-thinking environment. Be open to trying new ways of learning, and take full advantage of the resources and support we offer. Don’t be shy about asking questions and getting hands-on with the technology—it can really boost your learning experience. And remember, education is a journey, so stay curious, keep challenging yourself, and enjoy every moment of your time here.