Pauline Lam – MSc Management Science 1988

Red Raven Arts is a London-based gallery that specialises in modernist, expressionist and abstract paintings from 1955 to the 1990s.

It has major holdings of works by John Christoforou, Ithell Colquhoun, Arnold Daghani, Nguyen Ducmanh, John Melville, Ulrico ‘Montefiore’ Schettini, Christopher Sturgess-Lief, and Frank Avray Wilson. In addition we stock paintings by British and international artists including Denis Bowen, John Bratby, Avinash Chandra, Humphrey Spender, Leon Zack and over 50 others.

Many paintings are on the main website and are available to view by appointment.

Further paintings can been found on a second website  It includes an eclectic range of modernist and contemporary global art from the 20th and 21st centuries by around 80 artists. There is a growing selection of works from the second half of the 20th century by pioneering artists from Malaysia, Nigeria and other rapidly developing economies.

Red Raven Arts exhibit annually at the 20|21 International Art Fair held at the Royal College of Art in Kensington Gore.  The next fair will take place in May 2013.

Contact details

Contact details
Sector: 20th century Modern Art
Location: London UK
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7732 1719
Website: and
Entry last updated: 18 April 2012