Rachel Tonner


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In our latest blog from our Technology, Media & Telecoms (TMT) Sector Lead, Rachel Tonner talks about what her delivery plans are for Students in 2020/2021…….

At Imperial College Business School Careers, support is organised in industry sectors with Career Consultants specialising in their industry vertical with a view to providing an effective, knowledge-based programme of workshops and employer events tailored to both the student and the evolving market.

Around this time of year we review our delivery for Autumn and this year is no different. Beyond our core industry offering we are taking in to account the needs of the future job market due to the current pandemic and its effect on the global economy.

The tech sector has seen extreme growth over the past few years, and over the past few months some sub-sectors have had more accelerated growth and opportunities open up for their businesses. Areas to explore with the tech sector include healthtech, remote communications, online entertainment, e-payments, e-commerce and foodtech/delivery. Focus your research on identifying areas of the market that are thriving in this time, companies that are established and have more stability and be aware of the challenging impact the pandemic has had on start-ups and SMEs, especially if their product or service does not complement the current market.

We’ve identified areas where students tend to experience two main barriers in job searching the tech sector; firstly in being competitive and progressing through the selection processes when applying for the big tech companies (ie Amazon and Google), as these companies receive hundreds of high quality applications. To support students with this challenge we run workshops focusing on particular companies and how to present yourself in the strongest possible way. Secondly, students tend to focus on only the aforementioned companies, and miss out on lots of opportunities with growing or established and successful businesses. We also run workshops to support expanding your search and network, and offer e-resources such as Vault and Hoovers to support your career planning research so students consider a wide range of companies and opportunities.

More to follow in my next blog.....

Rachel Tonner, Career Consultant (Tech Lead)


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