Bosede Ogunleye


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How to make a good impression to Consulting Firms at Careers Fairs

Career fairs…virtual or face-to-face, they are a great opportunity to get in front of employers, make a memorable impression and find out about application processes. If you would like to begin or continue a career in Consulting, how can you (amongst potentially hundreds of other students), make a good impression?

Here are 3 top tips:


  1. Dress smartly and engage.


There is no doubt that first impressions count, so make the most of this opportunity.  If it is a face-to-face career fair, dress smartly. Show the company representatives at the stand that you are serious about working for them by being appropriately dressed. Jeans and a t-shirt can translate to a blasé or laid-back attitude in this situation. Most Consulting firms have a smart dress code so reflect that in what you wear.

If it is a virtual career fair, you need to work extra hard to be actively engaging. It is often said that around 80% of communication is non-verbal, so even on a virtual platform, ensure you smile, actively listen (e.g., nodding along to what is being said) and respond with thoughtful questions and comments.  Show that you have (hopefully!) researched the company beforehand.


  1. Do not ask the same question as the person in front of you…


Picture the scene, you are at a face-to-face career fair, queuing to speak to an employee representative at a well know management consultancy firm. You overhear the person in front of you ask, ‘please can you tell me about the progression routes after Consultant level?’ That was your question! That is ok (you think to yourself); you will just ask the same question again…. please do not do this!

It is important to have pre-prepared, insightful and company specific questions. Being generic or repeating a question that someone else has asked, demonstrates a lack of attention to detail and unoriginality. As Consulting is all about forming relationships with clients, candidates that come prepared and ready to start a meaningful conversation impress company representatives.


  1. Connect afterwards.


Following up is important – do not underestimate this. If you have had a meaningful conversation with a recruiter or employer representative, follow up with them. Do not wait for them to initiate this, you should do it first!  For example, you could reach out to them on LinkedIn, thanking them for your conversation (reminding them who you are, and when and where you met). Who knows, this could lead to the role you are looking for.

Hopefully, these tips will help you be successful at the next career fair you attend.

Bosede Ogunleye, Employer Relations Manager - Consulting Sector


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