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Through our partnership with Forté, we have the pleasure of welcoming our Forté Fellows on to our Full-Time MBA programme each year. Our Forté Fellows demonstrate an exemplary commitment to Forté’s mission of launching women into fulfilling, significant careers and helping women achieve their career potential. In this blog, some of our current Fellows talk about their involvement with Forté and why Forté's mission is important to them.

What is Forté? 

Forté is a non-profit organisation of leading companies and top business schools working together to launch women into fulfilling, significant careers through access to business education, professional development, and a community of successful women.

Shany Machlev -  Forte Fellow
Shany Machlev - Forté Fellow

Shany Machlev, Full-Time MBA class of 2021-22 and Forté Fellow 

"Forté lives up to its purpose of shaking up the gender status quo in business, while creating a powerful community around it. Forté has provided me, prior to starting my MBA and throughout the program, access to personal and professional development contents and vast opportunities to build my network of colleagues. Specifically, in the MBA Women's Leadership Conference I got to learn from extremely inspiring women leaders around the globe; their candid conversations and relevant advice ignited the spark in me to re-imagine my goals, dream big and pave my own career path."

How are we involved?

At Imperial College Business School, we’re committed to encouraging talented women to consider MBA programmes and ultimately increase female leadership in business. Throughout the year, staff, students and alumni attend and speak at a range of Forté Forums and panels which enable candidates to meet us and find out more about studying an MBA at Imperial. We are also pleased to offer weekly virtual office hours to participants of the Forté MBALaunch programme as well as Forté Fellowships to students joining our Full-Time MBA programme.

In June 2021, we were very proud to see two of our Full-Time MBA students Alberta Asafo – Asamoah and Aoife Considine receive Forte's prestigious Edie Hunt Inspiration Award; an award that recognises women who have gone above and beyond to help advance other women into business leadership positions, through their business school or community.

Michelle Tang - Forte Fellow
Michelle Tang - Forté Fellow

Michelle Tang, Full-Time MBA class of 2021-22 and Forté Fellow 

"Forté accelerates women through advanced education so we can have a voice at the table. As a current MBA student, staying active in the online Forté community is beneficial as I get weekly updates to Virtual Career Fairs and access to leadership development webinars, where I gained many professional career tips. Forte’s MBA Women’s Leadership Conference allowed me to connect with like-minded talented women/previous Forté Fellows at influential companies and leading business schools. Their sharings encouraged me to act as role models to inspire the next generation of future women leaders to make a difference to the workplace and society."

The Forté Fellowship

We offer awards of 50% of the Full-Time MBA tuition fees, to candidates who demonstrate strong leadership skills through academic achievement, or in roles as team or community leaders, and show a commitment to helping women achieve their career potential through personal mentoring or community involvement.

In addition to the financial support provided, Fellows gain access to incredible resources from Forté including participation at the annual Forté MBA Women’s Leadership conference, access to exclusive networking groups of Forté Fellows and e-introductions to Forté sponsor companies.

Submit your application by 13 June 2022 if you'd like to be considered  for a  Forté Fellowship for September 2022 entry.

Cynthia Oshiro - Forte Fellow
Cynthia Oshiro - Forté Fellow

Cynthia Oshiro, Full-Time MBA class of 2021-22 and Forté Fellow 

"I wouldn’t be studying an MBA at Imperial, without the support of my mentors and colleagues, and the trust placed in me by Forté. I strongly believe Forté plays a key role in the economic and social development, from supporting women to boost their careers, to contributing to poverty reduction and the increase of the quality of human capital. I am happy and excited to be part of Forté’s community and sisterhood to continue building trust and alliances between women, and increase participation of women in leadership positions in Latin America and the world." 

Forté’s MBALaunch

This 10-month programme provides a structured road map for applying to business schools, including step-by-step application guidance and supportive peer groups. It offers live virtual events that will keep participants connected and engaged as they build their best MBA application, including tailored GMAT preparation and the support of MBA alumni advisors.

As a partner school, we offer weekly office hours, which enable participants of the programme to connect with university admissions and recruitment advisors, to help them put together a great MBA application.

Gillian Seow - Forte Fellow
Gillian Seow - Forté Fellow

Gillian Seow, Full-Time MBA class of 2021-22 and Forté Fellow 

"The goal of Forté Foundation is to challenge the status quo of women in leadership. Forté Foundation provides aspiring women such as myself much needed resources to drive this change and achieve an impactful career, in addition to the opportunities provided by an MBA programme with Imperial.

The leadership conferences organised by Forté Foundation proved to contain valuable networking opportunities, understanding industries from the view of women leaders and opportunities to work with leading organisations. As a student ambassador and Forté Fellow, I hope to contribute further to the goal of Imperial and Forté Foundation for women in leadership."

How can you get involved?

Becoming a Forté member is free and once registered, members gain access to a huge range of webinars, events and articles covering hundreds of topics. If you’d like to be considered for our Forté Fellowships, please submit your Full-Time MBA application by our final round deadline on 13 June 2022 and check our scholarships page for more information about the application process. We also run a number of events throughout the year, focused on women and leadership so please sign up to our newsletter to receive all of the latest updates.