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At Imperial College Business School, we believe that the future of business leadership is deeply rooted in inclusion, collaboration, and adaptability. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the launch of Values Day: Core Skills for Inclusive Leadership — a ground-breaking new programme designed to equip our students with the essential skills they need to thrive in today’s diverse and dynamic business world.

Why Values Day matters

In an era where automation and generative AI are reshaping industries, the value of distinctly human skills — like communication, teamwork, and leadership — has never been higher. Employers today are not just looking for technical expertise; they want leaders who can navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, foster inclusive environments, and drive innovation through collaboration. Values Day is specifically designed to develop these core skills, positioning our students as future leaders who can manage effectively in a rapidly changing business landscape.

The ACT philosophy: building inclusive leaders

At the heart of Values Day are two powerful philosophies: the ability to ACT inclusively and the recognition of the Opportunity Gap that opens when we do so.

ACT stands for:

  • Awareness of Self: understanding your own biases, social identities, and values
  • Consideration of others: recognising and valuing the differences in others
  • Taking action mindfully: Acting with purpose using evidence, rather than reacting with instinct

These ACT skills are foundational for working well with people who are different from yourself. They open the Opportunity Gap — the ability to see, value, and leverage the individuality of each colleague. By embracing these differences, we can all create more productive, creative, and happier work environments.

Student leading a group exercise
Leadership development at the Business School

What to expect on Values Day 

Values Day is designed to be an immersive and transformative experience from start to finish.

  • Morning session: the day begins with a welcome breakfast, followed by an exploration of values and culture through experiential learning techniques. This interactive session will help students reflect on their own values and understand how these shape their interactions with others
  • Self-assessment reports: students will receive personalised reports summarising the results of various self-assessments related to biases, social identities, and values. These insights will be contextualised within their larger programme, helping to increase awareness of the many ways individuals vary and how these differences impact communication and judgment
  • Afternoon session: after a catered lunch, the focus shifts to concrete, actionable skills. Students will learn how to replace 'gut' decisions with evidence-based choices, address systemic bias, respond to microaggressions, and gain confidence in using their voices to advocate for inclusivity
  • Ending celebration: the day closes with an innovative session using rhythm and movement to gain confidence with taking action, which is followed by pizza.

The impact of Values Day

Values Day is strategically placed at the beginning of your Imperial journey to underscore the importance of leadership and inclusion from day one. By fostering an environment where students feel comfortable discussing differences, we aim to develop leaders who are not only aware of the importance of inclusion but are also equipped to champion it in their careers.

Imperial’s diverse community is one of our greatest strengths, and Values Day sets clear expectations for inclusive behaviours. Students will see first hand how these behaviours contribute to more effective teamwork, more creative solutions, and stronger social connections — skills that are essential for success in any business environment.

Inclusion: the cornerstone of effective business

Ultimately, Values Day is about more than just skill development; it’s about redefining what it means to lead in the modern business world. Effective leadership requires the ability to work well with others, communicate across diverse audiences, and make decisions informed by evidence.

When employees feel they belong and are valued for who they are, they are more productive, more creative, and more satisfied. This opens an immense opportunity gap that individuals and companies can leverage for increased performance, creativity, and happier, healthier employees.

We are excited to see how Values Day will shape the leaders of tomorrow, helping them to not only succeed in their careers but also make a positive impact on the world around them.

Welcome to the future of business leadership — welcome to Values Day at Imperial College Business School.