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We’re pleased to welcome the Global Online MBA 2021-23 cohort to Imperial College Business School. The online, part-time format MBA programme means that students can become part of the Business School community from anywhere in the world. So, with 98 students joining us in September 2021 and 96 in January 2022, it’s set to be an exciting two years on the path to completing their MBA!

With some of the best edtech technology at our disposal, the Global Online MBA delivers an exceptional online learning experience. Ranked #2 in the world in the Financial Times Online MBA Rankings 2022, we are proud to provide our students with the same high-quality teaching that they would receive if they were on-campus.

Global Online MBA students are impressive to say the least. The part-time format means that our students have taken on the challenge of developing their skillset while usually continuing to work in their demanding full-time roles. This takes hard work and dedication, but will result in a great reward and sense of achievement upon graduation.

What does the new class look like?

The composition of a class has a great impact on the student experience, so bringing together a mix of cultures, backgrounds and professional experience is a priority. The 2021-23 cohort of the Global Online MBA is no exception – the 194 students in the class represent 62 nationalities.

These motivated individuals bring an average of 11 years of work experience spanning across a wide range of industries including tech, healthcare and banking/finance. Students with STEM backgrounds often come to Imperial to take advantage of the close relationship that the Business School has with Imperial College London. Our MBA students who are budding entrepreneurs often work with the Enterprise Lab to develop their startup idea, take part in accelerators and get support on funding.

Global Online MBA Meet the class statistics January 2022 graphic
"I’m pleased to welcome the September 2021 and January 2022 cohorts of the Global Online MBA class. What’s special about an online programme is that it has the ability to bring people together from every corner of the globe, making each and every class discussion unique. This level of diversity gives our students the opportunity to learn from one another at every step of the programme."
Academic Director, Imperial MBA
Markus Perkmann

Updated programme

The September 2021 cohort are the first to start the updated version of the Global Online MBA, which gives students the ability to tailor the programme to suit their preferred subject interests through flexcore and elective modules. The refreshed programme has new electives in:

  • Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Strategy

We understand that sometimes life can throw unexpected twists and turns and priorities may need to change over the duration of the programme. Therefore, students can now choose to complete their programme in 21 (shorter), 24 (normal) or 32 months (longer duration).

Academic Dirctor, Markus Perkman notes:

An online, part-time programme does present the challenge of maintaining a work-life balance; however, I am confident that this year’s cohort will face it head on and make the most out of their time on the MBA. The updated programme gives our Global Online MBA students a chance to tailor their learning and truly make the programme work around their life and career goals. I encourage our students to take the first year to figure out what subjects they find most interesting so that when the time comes to choose their flexcore and elective modules, they pick the ones that are most relevant to them.

Meeting in-person on campus at induction

While the Global Online MBA programme is predominantly online, we offer students the chance to come to campus and meet each other face-to-face at the start of the programme for induction, in addition to a second on-campus session later in the programme.

This year’s Welcome Day saw Imperial take over the Science Museum – which neighbours our South Kensington Campus! With exclusive access to the museum while it was closed, Imperial students explored the exhibits, watch a welcome movie in the IMAX and view the breath-taking London skyline right at the top of the building.

Meet the Global Online MBA students

Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos Jr, student at Imperial College Business School

Name: Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos Jr

Role: Clinical Nephrologist, Hospital das Clinicas UFMG

Nationality: Brazilian

Can you describe your career journey up until now?

I’m an MD PhD with a specialisation in Internal Medicine and Nephrology. During my professional career, I have participated in several international medical education programmes from which I developed my leadership skills and actively participated in the elaboration of recommendations, global reports, webinars. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been fighting misinformation and bad scientific practices. In short, my cause is about developing business models capable to relocate the patient to the centre of the driving force of innovation, allowing our communities to benefit from more sustainable and human healthcare systems.

What is your main motivation for studying the Global Online MBA programme?

Healthcare is facing a revolution triggered by the recent transformations posed by the digital age. Much of this revolution was already underway but was further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data are just some examples of technologies that are making a growing number of startups around the globe to transform the healthcare sector. This scenario of technological advances and future innovation possibilities represents an exciting outlook for patients, researchers, governments, and industry. However, at the same time, this wave of innovation comes with a new set of challenges. When I was younger, I was introduced to the idea that people from different cultural and professional backgrounds, when working together, could better transform these endeavours into innovation. I truly believe that critical thinking, scientific reasoning and diversity are essential ingredients for a better future. In this context, studying the Global Online MBA at the Imperial has provided me with this perfect environment.

Clette Efoma, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Name: Clette Efoma

Role: Head of Compliance & Data Privacy, Standard Bank

Nationality: British

Can you describe your career journey up until now?

I started my career in the banking industry working part-time while completing my Bachelor’s degree. After graduating, I worked for a financial organisation specialising in leasing in Dublin. Following from this I was later able to secure a role with Société General Equipment Finance in the UK, managing asset and returns of equipment leased to clients which in the majority of cases were government entities

Having spent over seven years in leasing, I made a career change and started working for a large telecommunication company. I was in charge of managing risk and compliance. Having spent five years in the industry, I once again decided to transition back to the traditional banking industry to work for a leading African corporate and investment bank as the Head of Compliance & Data Privacy Officer. I am now responsible for all compliance, regulatory, advocacy, advisory and training.

What is your main motivation for studying the Global Online MBA programme?

The Global Online MBA  appealed to me for several reasons. Studying online allows me to combine my studies with my personal commitments including working in a very demanding role while also caring for my young family. I can study anywhere and at any time to suit my busy schedule. The opportunity to network with an international cohort is also extremely attractive. There is so much to learn from such a diverse group of people. I believe this MBA will provide me with a solid foundation to achieve my career aspirations of becoming a CEO. Leadership, management and administration are fundamental skills that I am keen to master before pivoting to my aspirational role. 

As new technologies are developed, new financial capabilities appear, new players enter the market, and the world becomes even more connected. I want to be at the forefront of innovation to grasp the opportunities presented. I consider this MBA to be the best move I can make for my career progression and to remain relevant in this fast-changing world.

Zakaria Ouraich, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Name: Zakaria Ouraich

Role: Compliance Officer, LaSelle Investment Management

Nationality: Moroccan

Why did you choose to study at Imperial?

Having studied in the UK before, I was keen on studying an MBA at a UK-based university. I was looking for a reputable, part-time MBA programme that could be done remotely. Imperial happened to fit all these criteria. It goes without saying that Imperial has an excellent reputation worldwide.

Furthermore, I looked at the Global Online MBA programme and I really liked the fact that some modules are tailor-made for me in my current career.

What are your long-term career goals and how do you believe the MBA will support them?

My long-term career goals are to reach a position where I can make strategic decisions at the level of a firm and shape it. I do believe that I might have the potential for that, but there is much more for me to learn. The MBA will help and equip me with the necessary knowledge that will boost my career towards that goal. The structure of the programme will enable me not only to improve my technical knowledge but also to work on my soft skills and develop leadership skills. That is something that is very important to me.

I also believe the opportunity to study and work with classmates from various cultures and industries is something that will significantly help me develop 

Adanna Amadi, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Adanna Amadi

Role: Senior Manager, Financial Planning & Analysis, IHS Towers

Nationality: Nigerian


Can you describe your career journey up until now?

I started my career in an investment banking firm, working as part of a team providing expert financial and portfolio management advice to both large and mid-sized companies. During this time, I had my first taste of business by setting up and running the client relations unit where we catered to structuring and diversifying client portfolios. In preparation for the next phase in my career, I studied and qualified as a Chartered Accountant. I secured work experience with KPMG, where I led teams advising various clients across diverse sectors on mergers, acquisitions, capital raising and corporate restructuring in Western and Southern Africa.

I then transitioned to my next role in financial planning and analysis at IHS Towers — the largest telecommunication infrastructure company in the EMEA region. I am responsible for delivering on overall business and management reporting, working closely with business unit heads to drive clear analysis and understanding of business performance. While at IHS Towers, I qualified as a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA), honing my skills on the use of decision-relevant financial and non-financial information to generate value for my organisation.

What are your long-term career goals and how do you believe the MBA will support them?

As an emerging leader in my organisation, I realise the need to adopt a different mindset, especially in the areas of leadership, innovation and digital transformation. Imperial College Business School is a world-renowned school that offers electives such as Strategic Networks for Innovation and Change, Digital Transformation: Leading Real-World Change, and Design for Business Transformation. I believe it will help shape my professional career growth, opening the door for me to pursue a position as a top female executive in the future.

Furthermore, it is my long-term objective to use technology as a broad-ranging, consciousness-raising social facilitator. I want to unite the theoretical and practical aspects, which I believe is the root to the development of the African continent. I desire to close the technology gap and digital divide between developing and developed nations.

Allowing something to develop beyond the generic and using innovation and digital transformation fascinates me. It can foster the realisation of business goals, innovating businesses processes. My interests lie on the social impact that can be affected by developing business and communities, within previously socially underdeveloped environments.

I have contemplated studying for an MBA for a long time, but I could never find the right balance until I found Imperial’s Global Online MBA. At this stage in my career, I feel that, despite my robust academic background, I still need that entrepreneurial mindset which could open new possibilities. I believe that an MBA will provide me with all these capabilities, enhance my professional profile significantly and allow me to excel in my chosen field.

Chih Chien Lee, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Chih Chien Lee

Role: Manufacturing Business Manager, Google 

Nationality: Singaporean


Why did you choose to study at Imperial? 

The manufacturing industry saw many challenges in recent years, including US import tariffs, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the on-going semiconductor shortage. These problems have a direct impact on my work in sourcing and procurement, and they require creative solutions to overcome. An MBA will equip me with the skills I need to navigate uncertainty, build strong teams, and make informed decisions. The Global Online MBA at Imperial is a rigorous programme delivered on a well-designed platform, which makes the learning process interactive and enjoyable. Imperial’s reputation as a top university in the world, the diversity of my cohort as well as the extensive alumni network makes it the perfect choice for me. 

Did you have any reservations about doing an MBA? 

I was most concerned about going back to school so many years after I completed my undergraduate degree. I wasn’t sure if I could keep up with the coursework. However, I found the primers very useful because they not only prepared me for the actual curriculum, but also allowed me to experiment with different daily routines and time allocations for work, family, study, fitness, and rest. My wife and I have two young children, so these routines are essential for us to plan activities for the family.

Eleanor Magdzinski

Eleanor Magdzinski

Role: Equity Research Associate, Sprott Capital Partners

Nationality: Canadian


What are your long-term career goals and how do you believe the MBA will support them?

I aspire to secure a senior level management position in the metals/mining industry (e.g. corporate development or technical services). Up until recently, my experiences as a mining engineer were deeply rooted in mine operations, where I was fortunate enough to hold various positions from Underground Miner to Lead Mine Systems Engineer. With plans to specialise in the finance stream, I sought an MBA at Imperial to broaden my understanding of business and strengthen my financial acumen. In light of this, I hope to bridge my knowledge gap between day-to-day operations and the greater global business function, as well as develop the skills I need to be a competent leader of tomorrow.

How do you plan on getting involved in Imperial life outside the MBA?

I have joined both the Finance Club and Women in Business society to gain further exposure to two areas about which I am particularly passionate. I recently started a new position and am keen to connect with others currently working, or aspiring to work, in the finance space. Additionally, having spent my career working in an industry where the percentage of women employed only accounts for ~8-17% of all positions, I have an interest in supporting women within male dominated industries and eliminating gender disparity in the workplace.

Katerina Kindyni, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Katerina Kindyni

Role: Senior Manager - Credit Risk, Climate Risk and ESG Lead, Ernst & Young 

Nationality: Cypriot


Why did you choose to study at Imperial?

Imperial has always had a fantastic reputation in the fields of science and business and it's also very well known for innovation towards effective action on climate change and the environment. During my time at Imperial, I wish to expand my knowledge in areas such as sustainable finance, leadership and innovation and help shape the climate and ESG agenda within the financial sector.

How do you plan on getting involved in Imperial life outside the MBA?

I would like to become an active member of the 'Centre for Climate Finance & Investment' and unlock solutions within capital markets to address challenges posed by global climate change. By joining the centre, I wish to better understand how the financial sector can manage the risks associated with moving to a zero-carbon future and get deeper insights into new investment opportunities in renewable energy, clean technologies and climate-resilient infrastructure.

Vishal Patel

Vishal Patel

Role: Medical Advisor, Glaxo Smith Klein & GP, NHS 

Nationality: British



What is your main motivation for studying the Global Online MBA programme?

I have worked in the healthcare sector for over a decade. Currently, I lead the UK & Ireland medical strategy for a global pharmaceutical company. It was here that I noted gaps in my thought process regarding global thinking and strategic planning. Upon reflection, this was the downside of the educational and healthcare system where we are taught to think and work in rigid boxes. The Global Online MBA will allow me to successfully fill in these gaps as well as equipping me with tools to break the boxes, therefore, allowing me to reach my goals. Having worked with people who have completed the MBA, I’ve often admired the way they approach problems and formulate solutions. This is something I wish to emulate whilst connecting and forming lifelong relations with the diverse mix of professionals on the MBA programmes. 

Can you describe your career journey up until now?

‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world’ is a quote from the late Nelson Mandela. Due to unforeseen circumstances such as poverty and early parental death, my parents did not have access to an adequate education in their childhood. In my childhood, they both instilled early on the importance of education and they sacrificed everything to give me the head start and security in life that they didn’t have.

I initially trained and worked as a pharmacist. Early on I came to the realisation that I was not reaching my full potential and I could do more for the patients especially from a clinical perspective. The hard decision was made to leave full-time work and study graduate medicine in a different city, away from family and friends. The culture shock was a challenge and on weekends I would travel home to support my family. I continued part-time work as a pharmacist to help pay for university costs such as accommodation and fees. 

Nine years after going back into full-time study, and a further two diplomas later, I qualified as a General Practitioner (GP). In addition to working as a GP, I simultaneously worked within the Clinical Commissioning Group as a medicines management lead for the largest NHS trust in the United Kingdom (UK) and for the Local Medical Committee. These roles were vital to support local GP practices and patients especially when covid derailed the UK healthcare system.

I now work for a global pharmaceutical company within the Medical Affairs department and continue my GP clinics to support the NHS. Despite my atypical career pathway, it has taught me many life lessons along the way. Any progress or success in life requires determination and personal sacrifice. It certainly is not a solo effort. I am grateful for the strong values my parents have instilled, their unlimited prayers, sacrifice and their collective support. Without them, I would not be where I am today.

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About Sarah Hetherington

Content Marketing Coordinator
Content Marketing Coordinator working in the Programmes Marketing team at Imperial College Business School.

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