Elisabeth Zlatkin, MSc Management Student 2023-24


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Global experiences are an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in business settings, facilitating both personal and professional growth. They’re an invaluable part of the learning experience, equipping students with the knowledge, skills and mindset needed to succeed as a business leader in this interconnected world. 

Elisabeth Zlatkin, a MSc Management (now re-purposed as MSc in Management (MiM)) student from Germany shares her experience undertaking both a Global Immersion and Global Exchange during her time at Imperial College Business School. 

“When applying to Imperial College Business School, I carefully considered all of the international opportunities available to me. The international cohort and global network at Imperial is invaluable, and the immersion and exchange modules offer practical, hands-on experiences and the chance to study in different international contexts, enhancing my learning and broadening my global perspective.” 

Global Immersion: Singapore

Our Global Immersion modules are week-long international experience trips that includes visits to companies representing a diverse range of sectors. They provide an opportunity for students to travel across the world and gain a unique perspective on global business practices.  

This year, our MSc Management cohort explored Singapore as a Smart City, looking at how local innovations make it unique. Below, Elisabeth tells us a little more about the week. 

We had the opportunity to speak to many exciting professionals; one of them was Chris de Lavigne, a partner at Deloitte, who revealed how Singapore evolved from a fishing village to a global energy hub, emphasising sustainability through district cooling systems, solar panels, and underground infrastructure. We also met many start-up founders and innovation hubs and understood the infrastructure for emerging start-ups.  

The experience broadened my understanding of global industry trends and the importance of public-private partnerships in innovative city initiatives. I built a strong network with industry leaders and peers, which has been instrumental in my professional growth.  

Exposure to Singapore’s dynamic business environment honed my leadership and strategic thinking skills, preparing me for any future challenges I may face in my career. 

Students pose for photo in Singapore outside
Our Global Immersion 2024 cohort in Singapore

Global Exchange: Paris and Switzerland

Over a one-month period, Elisabeth undertook a Global Exchange at both HEC France and EHL Switzerland, focusing on Luxury Hospitality Management.  

New challenges

There were over 200 international students from around the world participating in various programmes at HEC. Studying abroad meant that I was navigating a new environment outside of my comfort zone. 

Being immersed in a new and international environment, meeting new professionals, and learning new things resulted in a steep learning curve and prepared me well for the future steps in my career. 

The small class size on my exchange helped foster a close-knit community. I learned so much from my peers, gaining international insights into luxury hospitality management from like-minded individuals. 

My personal highlights

The Global Exchange has made me more open-minded. I had the opportunity to meet so many incredible people. It reinforced that networking is one of the most essential skills in the world of business. The connections I made and the insights I gained during this experience are invaluable. 

A highlight was all the interesting conversations I had during my time in Paris and Lousanne. Meeting professionals from different fields sheds a different light on the same topic, making it much more interesting to discuss.  

Learning about both the operational and financial aspects of the hotel industry was incredibly insightful. It gave me a deeper understanding of the different international practices and the complexities involved in managing luxury properties. 

Embracing opportunities outside of my learning

This was my first time living in a dorm, and the EHL dorms exceeded all of my expectations with their amazing amenities and facilities. The first days are the ones where you create those long-lasting friendships through all the incredible experiences you get to have together. I was the only German on my course, and our class was wonderfully diverse, with no nationality repeated. 

Social events were planned by both course management and the students themselves that enriched the overall experience. Every night, we had an activity ranging from BBQs at the lake to wine tasting sessions. 

Choosing Imperial College Business School

Before applying to Imperial College Business School, I spent a lot of time browsing through the modules, electives, societies, career services and international exposures offered to students.  

This was when I decided that should I get accepted, I would apply to the Global Immersion trip and the Global Exchange module, as I knew these would be once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Having been accepted to both, I cherish these experiences the most.

While London is my favourite city, I wanted to gain international exposure during my master’s programme. These experiences are invaluable—they not only lead to new friendships but also broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of specific topics. 

Growth happens outside your comfort zone. These global learning opportunities have been an unforgettable part of my learning, fuelling significant personal and professional growth.