Naomi Stranz


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We aim to contribute to both business and society by harnessing the potential of innovative thinking. We are pleased to present the Dean’s Impact Scholarship to individuals who showcase accomplishments and influence in five key areas, detailed in this blog. Naomi Stranz, a MSc Finance student shares her experience securing the Dean's Impact Scholarship, delving into its personal significance and offering practical advice for prospective students.

The school is renowned for integrating cutting-edge technology into its programmes, creating a unique intersection between business and innovation, and shaping pioneers and leaders of the future

Why did you choose to study MSc Finance at Imperial College Business School?

I chose to study MSc Finance at Imperial College Business School for several reasons. First, Imperial’s outstanding reputation and its position at the forefront of innovation were key factors. The school is renowned for integrating cutting-edge technology into its programmes, creating a unique intersection between business and innovation, and shaping pioneers and leaders of the future. Secondly, the fast-paced and intensive nature of the programme was appealing, as it offers immense opportunities for growth and preparation for the professional world. The rigorous curriculum ensures I will be well-equipped for the challenges ahead. Lastly, both Imperial and the dynamic city of London provide an incredible environment for personal growth. The opportunity to meet and learn from people from all over the world, while experiencing the vibrant and diverse culture of London, makes it the perfect place to expand my horizons. 

Being at Imperial has only reinforced that it has exceeded my expectations - I have already made great connections and had incredible opportunities, all of which have contributed to my personal and professional growth.

Receiving the Dean’s Impact Scholarship is not just an acknowledgement of my past efforts, but a source of motivation and encouragement to continue expanding my impact.

What does this scholarship mean to you?

I am honoured to have received the Dean’s Impact Scholarship, which recognises individuals striving to create meaningful benefits for businesses and society through innovative and disruptive thinking. This prestigious award highlights achievements in five key areas: entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, sustainability, social impact, and leadership.

I was selected for this scholarship specifically for the social impact I’ve made through my volunteering efforts in Latin America and my funding efforts to make education accessible in these disadvantaged regions. Receiving the Dean’s Impact Scholarship is not just an acknowledgement of my past efforts, but a source of motivation and encouragement to continue expanding my impact. It reassures me that the work I’ve done is seen and valued, and it inspires me to push further and make an even greater difference in the future.

How did you feel when you learned you’d secured this scholarship?

When I found out I had secured the Dean’s Impact Scholarship, I was delighted and elated. Sometimes, I tend to downplay my achievements because it can feel like I’ve only made small efforts. However, receiving this scholarship made me realise that those efforts are meaningful and have been recognised. It was a moment of true joy and fulfilment, knowing that the impact I’ve worked towards is valued and acknowledged.

What motivated you to apply for this scholarship at Imperial College Business School?

I was motivated to apply for the Dean's Impact Scholarship due to its focus on rewarding individuals who aim to make a meaningful difference in society. Given my passion for social impact and my goal of leveraging financial knowledge as a tool for positive change, this scholarship felt like the perfect opportunity to align my personal values with my academic journey. I saw it not only as a way to fund my education but also as a platform to amplify the work I have already been doing and to push myself further.

How will this scholarship support you?

This scholarship will support me in multiple ways, both academically and personally. Academically, it will allow me to focus fully on my studies without the added pressure of financial concerns, ensuring I can make the most of my time at Imperial. More importantly, it aligns with my personal goal of giving back. Many students at Imperial come from privileged backgrounds and thrive in a secure environment. I want to leverage this position to help others gain more equal opportunities to access education. The Dean’s Impact Scholarship not only enables me to pursue this goal but also provides me with the encouragement and resources to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

What opportunities has this scholarship provided you so far?

This scholarship has already provided me with several valuable opportunities, such as a networking breakfast where I had the chance to meet students from other programmes, as well as fellow scholarship recipients. The discussions at these events have been truly eye-opening, pushing me forward intellectually and broadening my perspective. 

Through these gatherings, I have not only made new friends but also built a supportive environment where we help and encourage each other, both academically and personally. These connections have been instrumental in enhancing my experience at Imperial College Business School.

What makes this scholarship unique?

What makes this scholarship unique is its emphasis on impact across a broad range of areas such as entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, sustainability, social impact, and leadership. It goes beyond academic achievement, seeking individuals who are driving change and making a real difference. The scholarship also fosters a community of like-minded individuals, encouraging you not only to excel in your studies but also to collaborate and innovate for the greater good.

What are the most important qualities scholarship committees look for?

I believe scholarship committees seek passion, drive, and a clear sense of purpose. It’s not just about academic success; they want to see candidates motivated to create change, with a proven track record of making a positive impact. Leadership and resilience are also important, as they look for individuals who can inspire others and overcome challenges in the pursuit of their goals.

How did you balance scholarship applications with other committments?

Balancing scholarship applications with schoolwork and other commitments was certainly a challenge, but I managed by staying organised and setting clear priorities. I ensured I dedicated specific time slots to focus on the applications and broke the process down into manageable steps. I also reminded myself of the long-term benefits a scholarship would provide, which kept me motivated to put in the extra effort.


What’s your advice for scholarship applicants?

My advice would be to stay authentic and make your personal story stand out. Don’t be afraid to highlight the unique ways you have made an impact and the values that drive you. Committees are looking for applicants who are genuinely passionate about their work, so let that passion shine through in your application.