Aditya Moudgil


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Imperial College Business School is pleased to offer significant scholarship funding to our most talented applicants. A range of scholarships are available, including several dedicated schemes for specific programmes, and it is recommended that you apply early to give yourself the best chance of receiving an award.

In this blog, Aditya Moudgil, MSc Business Analytics student shares his experience, securing the Bright Network Scholarship. 

Securing this scholarship 

When I first learned that I had secured this scholarship, a rush of emotions washed over me, swinging between profound disbelief and overwhelming relief. As an international student, the significance of financial stability cannot be overstated. It's not just about pursuing an education; it's about leaving behind everything you've ever known and immersing yourself in a new country, all while trying to balance expectations. 

Receiving this scholarship was akin to a lifeline, and it's difficult to put into words the immense relief that I experienced. It felt like a validation of all the hard work, sacrifices, and dedication I had poured into my academic & career journey so far. It was a moment when the weight of uncertainty was lifted, and I could breathe easier, knowing that I had the financial support I needed to pursue my dreams. 

My motivations for applying for this scholarship 

During my scholarship search, I found The Bright Network scholarship, which focuses on strong leadership principles. It resonated with me due to my experiences at Amazon. My time at Amazon has not only honed my leadership skills, but also inspired me to excel in business leadership. I believe that this scholarship aligns perfectly with my academic and career journey, given my rigorous expectations at Imperial College Business School this year. It serves as a catalyst for my aspirations, propelling me toward academic achievement and impactful leadership in my career. 

What this scholarship means to me 

This scholarship holds immense significance for me. As an international student, managing finances can be an arduous challenge, especially in a vibrant, multicultural city like London, where the allure of art, business, and philosophy events constantly beckons. The scholarship has alleviated the financial strain, providing a sense of stability that allows me to truly immerse myself in both my academic and personal pursuits. 

Concerning my academic goals, the scholarship has granted me the freedom to channel my focus entirely into my studies, enabling me to strive for excellence beyond the ordinary. This newfound financial security has instilled a profound sense of confidence in my abilities, affirming my potential like never before. 

On a personal level, I'm now eager to expand my horizons further. I plan to seize the opportunity to enrol in additional adult education courses offered by Imperial College London, delving into creative arts, philosophy, and audio engineering—a passion I've nurtured since my teenage years. While I continue to pursue MSc Business Analytics with unwavering dedication, I understand the importance of being multifaceted in today's dynamic world. This scholarship not only paves the way for my academic achievements but also grants me the chance to explore and develop my diverse interests, ultimately shaping me into a more well-rounded and fulfilled individual. 

My advice for those considering applying 

I strongly advise aspiring students to vigorously seek out and apply for all eligible scholarships. If you have any uncertainties about eligibility, don't hesitate to contact the university for clarification. 

Remember, devote as much effort to your scholarship application as you do to your university application. Scholarships can turn dreams into reality, so approach the process with passion, diligence, and unwavering self-belief. Every ounce of effort you invest in your scholarship search and application can bring you closer to your goals and unlock new opportunities.

Bright Network careers support 

Bright Network provides the UK’s best and brightest graduates, irrespective of their background, with high quality careers advice and support. The network offers careers resources and guidance through their digital platform, dynamic in-person events and personalised one-on-one advice. 

“Bright Network’s mission has always been to connect every student with the best opportunities available,” says James Uffindell, Bright Network Founder and CEO. “This scholarship provides an opportunity for our members from under-represented backgrounds in professional careers to be part of a world-leading institution, develop core business skills and fulfil their future potential.”

Since it was launched in 2013, Bright Network has connected thousands of graduates with some of the world’s largest employers including Google, Goldman Sachs, Accenture, PwC as well as numerous other companies and further education opportunities.

How to apply for the Bright Network Scholarship 


  • Bright Network membership 
  • An excellent application, demonstrating academic merit, strong professional, or community experience, leadership potential, and a clear career plan. 

Candidates who submit their application for an MSc programme before the deadline advertised below and receive an offer for the programme will automatically be considered for this scholarship. Successful candidates will be notified by the Admissions team. Awards will be assessed from the initial deadline onwards, and you are therefore encouraged to submit your application as early as possible in order to maximise your chance of success. Awards may not be granted following every deadline, as all scholarships in this category may have been awarded in a previous round, or there may be insufficient eligible candidates in a round.