Eva Look


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Imperial College Business School’s Full-Time MBA is designed with our students in mind, providing core learning alongside options to personalise their programme, and transformational global and leadership experiences. Our London location provides our students with networking and career opportunities in Europe’s start-up capital and global business hub. Eva Look, Full-Time MBA student shares her experience studying in London and why she chose to pursue her MBA at Imperial College Business School. She also details a day in her life at the Business School, offering an insight in what it’s like to study at Imperial.   

Aside from my classmates and the location, one key aspect of Imperial‘s MBA programme that led me to choose this business school is the remarkable flexibility it offers. While we have compulsory modules in the first term, the programme allows us to select our own concentrations from a diverse range of modules.

A day in the life of my first term at Imperial College Business School

London is an exceptional city to pursue an MBA degree for several reasons. First and foremost, its diversity and vibrancy make it a delightful place to live. The city is filled with people from diverse backgrounds, which facilitates easy adaptation and fosters a rich cultural experience. Additionally, London offers a multitude of opportunities for personal growth and enrichment. Within a 30-minute walk, one can visit museums to expand their knowledge, explore art galleries to appreciate the latest artistic endeavours, unwind at bars, and find solace in parks for relaxation. 

Aside from my classmates and the location, one key aspect of Imperial‘s MBA programme that led me to choose this business school is the remarkable flexibility it offers. While we have compulsory modules in the first term, the programme allows us to select our own concentrations from a diverse range of modules. What sets this flexibility apart is that it doesn't require us to make a rigid decision from the very beginning. Instead, we have the opportunity to explore different areas of interest. For instance, I have been able to participate in workshops organised by the Enterprise Lab while also exploring ESG-related activities organised by the career clubs. This flexibility holds great importance to me as it enables me to thoroughly explore my interests and make sure I am fully invested in a particular subject before committing to it. 
7:00 am – I start my day by waking up at 7:00 am and following my regular routine. I get ready to leave my home at 8:00 am. I live in Stratford, and my daily commute to South Kensington station takes approximately 40 minutes. Once I arrive at the station, it's just a short 10-minute walk to the campus. 

8:50 am – Before heading to my 9:00 am lecture at Imperial College Business School, I make a quick stop at the MBA lounge to grab a cup of coffee. This is not only a chance to fuel up for the day but also an excellent opportunity to catch up with my classmates, engage in conversations, and enjoy a pleasant walk to the lecture theatre together. 

9:00 am – Today's lecture focuses on Strategy, and it's our designated day for group presentations. Our study groups have been assigned the task of analysing an industry, comparing the performance of three firms within that industry, and formulating strategic recommendations for the underperforming firm to gain or regain a competitive advantage. The class proves to be extremely insightful as we learn from the diverse range of presentations covering various industries.

Our group presenting on the fast fashion industry during the Strategy class
Eva's group presenting on fast fashion

11:00 am – It's time for lunch! Tuesdays are special because we have the Farmer's market conveniently located on Imperial College Road. We usually grab our lunch from there and head to our discussion room in the Business School to work on our group assignments. This session turns out to be highly productive, allowing us to complete and submit our assignment by the end of the session. 

1:00 pm – Following the lunch break, we have our Corporate Finance class. The lecture is delivered by Professor Franklin Allen, our Interim Dean of Imperial College Business School. Today's topic focuses on measuring risk and expected return for stocks and portfolios. It's a fascinating subject for me as I'm introduced to concepts such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model and its derivation.

Lunch of pork belly with a fried duck egg from the Farmer's market
Lunch of pork belly with a fried duck egg
ttending Professor Franklin Allen's engaging lecture in the Corporate Finance class
Franklin Allen's lecture in the Corporate Finance

3:00 pm – After class, I return to the MBA Lounge to enjoy a cup of tea and work on my individual assignments. This is also a time to socialise with classmates who use the lounge as a place to relax and recharge. Some of our classmates are also working on their group assignments during this time. 

5:00 pm – Soon, it's time for the careers event! As a committee member of both the 180 Degrees Consulting Imperial Branch and the Consulting Careers Club, I have organised a collaborative event with the Social Impact and Responsible Business Club this evening. The event brings together distinguished speakers from Deloitte, Archipel&Co, Pollination, and Dalberg, who share real-life case studies from their respective industries. The event draws a significant turnout, and during the subsequent networking session, participants provide positive feedback. 

lassmates collaborating on group projects in the vibrant atmosphere of the MBA Lounge
Students collaborating in MBA Lounge
Laura, an Imperial alumni, sharing a compelling real-life case study from Archipel&Co
Laura, an Imperial alum from Archipel&Co

7:30 pm – After successfully concluding the event, I make my way back home from South Kensington station. During the journey, I take the opportunity to catch up on the readings on my phone, preparing myself for the upcoming class later this week.  

9:00 pm – Upon arriving home, I freshen up and take some time to relax before bed. Engaging in gentle stretching exercises helps me unwind after a busy day. 

11:00 pm – I head to bed at around 11:00 pm, ensuring that I get enough rest for my class scheduled for the following day at 9:00 am. 

Full-Time MBA class of 2023-24 at the Imperial Innovation Challenge
Class of 2024 Full-Time MBA