Lithe Mohiuddin


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The Imperial Global Online MBA Women’s Scholarships are awarded to women showing exceptional academic achievement and professional excellence, as well as a commitment to supporting women in business. Lithe Mohiuddin, shares her experience receiving this scholarship during our Women at Imperial week. She highlights how the Business School is providing support for women in business, the support she has received and her advice to others.  

"Receiving Imperial’s Global Online MBA Women’s Scholarship Award was an immense financial aid, but also an enormous boost to my confidence to do something for the women of my firm, my community and my country." - Lithe Mohiuddin, Global Online MBA

How Imperial College Business School provides opportunities for women 

Imperial College Business School has some excellent opportunities for women. As women, we are given the chance to network with other intellectual females both within the school and beyond.   

Various workshops provide help and suggestions on how to tackle the daunting challenges faced by women in the workplace. Industry specific events, such as Women in Finance, Women in Tech, and many more, are also held where we can network with industry experts and leaders, gaining key insights on breaking into the industry and navigating the numerous challenges. Exclusive access to careers events allows female students to gain key insights from graduate employers.  

Women at Imperial Week is held each year, where the Masters’ students get to have breakfast with the esteemed board, attend keynote events, leadership workshops and even masterclasses on personal issues like dealing with menopause - an issue all women face at some point in their work life.  

The support I have received as a woman 

Receiving Imperial’s Global Online MBA Women’s Scholarship Award was an immense financial aid, but also an enormous boost to my confidence to do something for the women of my firm, my community and my country. Furthermore, the Business School held a Scholarship Breakfast Event for all scholarship recipients, giving me the opportunity to network with the best of the best. It felt great to celebrate with Imperial.  

Lithe Mohiuddin
Lithe Mohiuddin at the MBA Scholarships Breakfast

My female role model 

The Global Online MBA programme has a Personal Leadership Journey module, for which we had to write a report on a professional role model. I chose and interviewed Dr Rubana Huq for my report, who has been my female role model for a very long time now.  

Dr Rubana Huq is currently leading Mohammadi Group, one of the oldest and most renowned conglomerates in Bangladesh, which initiated its’ operations in the ready-made garment (RMG) sector in 1986, currently having more than 10,000 employees. She served as the first female president of the primary trade body of the RMG sector of Bangladesh, BGMEA. Additionally, Dr. Huq is an academic scholar, currently serving as the Vice-Chancellor of Asian University of Women (AUW). The list of her achievements and accolades is vast, including being featured in BBC 100 women in 2013 and 2014.  

My favourite quote 

”Women have to work doubly hard in order achieve excellence because the headwinds are pretty strong, so you have to be stronger...” - Dr. Rubana Huq 

Imperial’s mentorship as a woman in business 

A dedicated career consultant was assigned to us at the very beginning of our Global Online MBA journey. My counsellor, Marie Portier went through my Strenthoscope assessment, which summarised my strengths and performance risks and measured my leadership effectiveness. She also went through my career plans, set up action plans for me and gave me personalised advice in my welcome meeting.  

My advice to other women 

As a female student in business I would really stress the importance of gaining knowledge and exhibiting that with confidence. Staying updated on industry trends and developments and the pursuit for continuous learning can show peers, colleagues and supervisors that you do not take things for granted. Confidence is key. From my experience, it is very important to trust yourself and your capabilities, which will take your further in business.  

An additional advice for Imperial College Business School students is using and making the most out of the resources provided for you as a female student. Seek mentorship from the other strong females in the community and build a strong network while you are a student. The most oddest friendships and contacts have proven to be invaluable to me in my professional life and personal life alike. Most of these resources are available to you, exclusively, even as an alumni and I strongly advise you to make the most out of it.