The Centre’s purpose is to unlock solutions within capital markets to address the challenges posed by global climate change.

We execute interdisciplinary research combining intellectual rigour and industry relevance. Through collaboration between academics and practitioners, we are generating a new understanding of the risks and investment opportunities arising in this changing climate; through climate scenarios, nature based-solutions, renewable energy, and climate-resilient infrastructure.

Latest news and research

The sunset sets in orange and yellow behind a looming silhouette of an oil rig, in the middle of the ocean.

Carbon Accounting for Commodity Derivatives

Financial firms and commodity manufacturers must navigate their portfolios and manage greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating the development of methodologies for accurate carbon accounting in commodity derivatives to support net zero strategies, according to a report authored through Imperial Consultants.
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Sunset over the low tide at the Vietnamese seaside. Three fisherman sit in the foreground, with offshore wind turbines behind them in the distance

Vietnam Renewables: Investment Priorities

Building on a report on ASEAN renewables from the Centre for Climate Finance & Investment and the IEA (March 2023), this paper is a deeper dive into the challenges and opportunities for renewables power deployment in Vietnam (Viet Nam).
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Picture of globe at night from space, focussing on South East Asia

ASEAN Renewables Challenges and Opportunities

This report from the Centre for Climate Finance & Investment and the IEA explores the opportunities, risks and challenges of renewables energy investments in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Finance for the Future winner

Finance for the Future Award Winner  

Winner for Driving Change through Education, Training & Academia and joint winner for Climate Leadership. The Centre for Climate Finance & Investment and the MSc Climate Change Management & Finance won for offering 'distinctive and compelling climate education for the financial sector, drawing on science, technology, economics, finance and accounting.' The awards champion work by the finance community to transform the economy for the future health of the planet and society.

Affiliated programmes

Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners





Centre sponsorship 

The Centre is grateful for the support of Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners, its founding partner benefactor. Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners manages direct investments in low-carbon and renewable energy assets and businesses.  The company’s management team has more than three decades of experience of investing in global power and energy infrastructure and is currently developing and constructing a $3 billion portfolio of natural gas, renewables and battery storage assets.


Challenge and opportunity

Stimulating economic growth and reducing greenhouse gas emissions could be the greatest business opportunity of the century. Learn more by watching our video.
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