Be part of the curriculum, you can play an active role in the education of our students.
Building your organisation’s visibility on campus is one way to raise your profile and attract the highest quality students. Our programmes are based on experiential learning, so we work with employers to provide consulting and group projects, host office visits, give guest lectures and case studies. Should you wish to be more involved, speak to us about sitting on programme advisory boards or supporting programme activities.
Some examples are listed below. Contact the Employer Relations team today to find out more: IBemployers@imperial.ac.uk
You can complement your recruitment activities by supporting students’ studies with initiatives that add value to their learning experience. You can find more information about student projects, including examples of previous projects
There are a number of student-led clubs that continually look for relevant guest speakers to share their experiences with students. The clubs cover sectors including Finance, Consulting, Technology, Media, FMCG, Luxury Goods, Retail, Energy, Sustainability, Social Impact and Entrepreneurship. There are also regional clubs that focus on Africa, Asia, India and the Americas. You can find more details and contact our clubs directly here.
If you prefer to target a specific MSc or MBA programme, we may be able to organise a business representative to give a guest lecture which complements the course content as part of programme teaching. Where it is not practical to schedule a guest lecture during teaching hours, we can arrange for one to take place in the evening.
Another way of helping business students understand the work your organisation does is to hold an evening case study workshop (for MSc or MBA students), or to integrate a written case study into MBA teaching.
Many of our MSc students are looking for trading and investment careers so these interactive competitions are popular ways of finding the best talent. We have a computer lecture theatre with 50 consoles that can be used.
We currently have opportunities to sponsor course prizes on all MSc programmes.
All Business School MSc programmes have advisory boards that are consulted by the programme directors for any changes in content or format to keep them industry-relevant and meet the needs of employers. These appointments are by invitation only but please register your interest with us should your business wish to participate.
Taking place during September, these are a mixture of application workshops, employability skills and guest speakers from financial and management services. By invitation only, but please register your interest if you would like to be considered for participation.
If you have Imperial College Business School alumni working at your organisation, there are many ways that they can be actively involved in the Business School. For more information visit the Alumni page