Event details

27 March 2023
08:00 - 09:00

Meeting net-zero emission targets requires unprecedented levels of investment and the allocation of capital to clean energy projects globally.


Join us online for the launch of the new ASEAN Renewables Report, hosted by Imperial Business School's Centre for Climate Finance & Investment (CCFI) and International Energy Agency (IEA) to discover the risks and opportunities for clean energy investments in Southeast Asia.


With the support of the Singapore Green Finance Centre (SGFC) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), this webinar will highlight the key findings on the priorities for public and private stakeholders to ensure a successful clean energy transition. The report seeks to improve transparency and analysis around the risks and barriers for clean energy investments in the ASEAN region, helping to increase the opportunities available to investors.


Opening Remarks

  • Michael Wilkins, Executive Director of CCFI at Imperial College Business School, Co-Director of SGFC
  • Tim Gould, Chief Energy Economist of IEA

Presentation of Research Findings

  • Mili Fomicov, Researcher at CCFI
  • Mike Waldron, Consultant

Viewpoints from Industry

  • Suan Hwee Song, Director, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
  • Kelvin Wong, Managing Director and Deputy Global Head of Energy, Renewables and Infrastructure at DBS Bank
  • Lavan Thiru, Executive Director from Infrastructure Asia
  • Charlie Donovan, Senior Economic Advisor from Impax Asset Management &  Visiting Professor of Sustainable Finance, University of Washington

Closing Remarks

Previous reports in this series

Event details

27 March 2023
08:00 - 09:00

Event details

Date: 27 March 2023
Time: 08:00 - 09:00
Audience: Alumni