Event details

24 September 2009
08:00 - 16:00

The Future of Banking Regulation

Date: 24-25 September, 2009 
Location: Frankfurt, Germany

A Conference organized by the Risk Management Lab, Imperial College London and the Deutsche Bundesbank

Call for Papers

This is a period of unprecedented uncertainty in the appropriate direction of financial regulation. The financial crisis of the last two years hit the banking sector just as a major new system of banking regulation, Basel II, was coming into force. How should bank regulators and the industry react to recent events in order to restore stability and prevent a recurrence of the present turmoil?

We invite academic research contributions around (but not limited to) the following issues relevant to the future of banking regulation: 
• How should systemic risk be reflected in banking regulation? 
• How should liquidity risk be regulated?
• To what extent should regulation rely on internal models and in which circumstances should it focus on ad-hoc measures? What role should model risk play in regulation?
• Should bank business models be restricted? 
• Should restrictions be placed on the remuneration of bank staff?
• What disclosure requirements should be placed on banks?
• How may one achieve a balance between banks’ efficiency and prudential regulation?

Papers should be submitted by Tuesday 5th May 2009 (5pm GMT).
Papers will be selected for presentation based on reviews by the organisers. The authors of selected papers will be informed in June 2009.

Research papers should be sent electronically (PDF format only) to b.vegh@imperial.ac.uk .

All papers must be in English and must be accompanied by a 200 word abstract. The name of the file should be the surname of the submitting author.

Travel (best buy economy class round-trip) and accommodation expenses will be covered for speakers and discussants.

Please address any enquiries about submission to: 
Beatrix Vegh (Administrator, Risk Management Lab)
Email: b.vegh@imperial.ac.uk

William Perraudin, Risk Management Lab, Imperial College London 
Thilo Liebig, Deutsche Bundesbank

Event details

24 September 2009
08:00 - 16:00

Event details

Date: 24 September 2009
Time: 08:00 - 16:00