DigiTalk AI Ethics and the future of work

Event details

20 March 2023
18:30 - 19:15
Royal College of Music , Prince Consort Road , London , SW7 2BS

Are you ready to take your HR skills to the next level? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising how we work, and as an HR professional, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve. Join us for an exciting session with David Shrier, Professor of Practice, AI and Innovation with Imperial College Business School as he explores the world of AI and its impact on our current practices.

Discover how AI is already being used in HR practices and the potential for even more advancements in the future. From automating recruitment processes and employee onboarding to improving candidate selection and performance tracking, AI is the key to unlocking a new era of HR excellence. Learn about new techniques of collective intelligence and collaboration pioneered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that can even use AI to coach low-performing teams into high-performing teams, or predict future events. We will also discuss the risks and dangers with this powerful technology, from ChatGPT to cyber attacks on HR artificial intelligence systems, and understand how to guard against abuse and misuse.

Be inspired by real-life examples and dive into the exciting possibilities of AI in HR. Get ready to be challenged and explore the role of modern technology in enhancing the employee experience. Take advantage of this thought-provoking session and the opportunity to be a part of the future of work!

Event details

20 March 2023
18:30 - 19:15
Royal College of Music , Prince Consort Road , London , SW7 2BS

Event details

Date: 20 March 2023
Time: 18:30 - 19:15
Venue: Royal College of Music , Prince Consort Road , London , SW7 2BS