Authors Title Journal Volume Publication Date
Gunturkun, P., Haumann, T., <strong>Mikolon, S.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Disentangling the Differential Roles of Warmth and Competence Judgments in Customer-Service Provider Relationships </a> Journal Of Service Research Volume 23, pp.476-503 November 2020
Lin, Y-T., Doong, H-S., <strong>Eisingerich, A.B.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Avatar Design of Virtual Salespeople: Mitigation of Recommendation Conflicts </a> Journal Of Service Research Volume 24, pp.141-159 October 2020
Lin, Y-T., MacInnis, D.J., <strong>Eisingerich, A.B.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Strong Anxiety Boosts New Product Adoption When Hope Is Also Strong </a> Journal Of Marketing Volume 84, pp.60-78 September 2020
<strong>Anderson, E.</strong>, Nguyen, H. <a target="_blank" href=""> When can we improve on sample average approximation for stochastic optimization? </a> Operations Research Letters Volume 48, pp.566-572 September 2020
Guevara, E., Babonneau, F., Homem-de-Mello, T., <strong>Moret, S.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> A machine learning and distributionally robust optimization framework for strategic energy planning under uncertainty </a> Applied Energy August 2020
Dixon, D., <strong>Mikolon, S.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Cents of self: How and when self-signals influence consumer value derived from choices of green products </a> International Journal Of Research In Marketing August 2020
<strong>Haugh, M.B.</strong>, Lacedelli, O.R. <a target="_blank" href=""> Information Relaxation Bounds for Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes </a> Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control Volume 65, pp.3256-3271 August 2020
<strong>Sun, J.</strong>, Zhang, D.J., Hu, H., Van Mieghem, J.A. <a target="_blank" href=""> Predicting Human Discretion to Adjust Algorithmic Prescription: A Large-Scale Field Experiment in Warehouse Operations </a> Management Science July 2020
Qian, C., <strong>Anderson, E.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Buyer's optimal information revelation strategy in procurement auctions </a> European Journal Of Operational Research Volume 283, pp.1011-1025 June 2020
<strong>Anderson, E.</strong>, Prokhorov, A., Zhu, Y. <a target="_blank" href=""> A Simple Estimator of Two-Dimensional Copulas, with Applications </a> Oxford Bulletin Of Economics And Statistics Volume 82, pp.1375-1412 May 2020
Federgruen, A., <strong>Liu, Z.</strong>, Lu, L. <a target="_blank" href=""> Synthesis and Generalization of Structural Results in Inventory Management: A Generalized Convexity Property </a> Mathematics Of Operations Research Volume 45, pp.547-575 May 2020
Ghosal, S., <strong>Wiesemann, W.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> The Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem </a> Operations Research Volume 68, pp.716-732 May 2020
Fritze, M.P., Marchand, A., <strong>Eisingerich, A.B.</strong>, Benkenstein, M. <a target="_blank" href=""> Access-Based Services as Substitutes for Material Possessions: The Role of Psychological Ownership </a> Journal Of Service Research Volume 23, pp.368-385 March 2020
Georghiou, A., Tsoukalas, A., <strong>Wiesemann, W.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> A Prima-Dual Lifting Scheme for Two-Stage Robust Optimization </a> Operations Research Volume 68, pp.572-590 March 2020
Liu, Y., Hultman, M., <strong>Eisingerich, A.B.</strong>, Wei, X. <a target="_blank" href=""> How does brand loyalty interact with tourism destination? Exploring the effect of brand loyalty on place attachment </a> Annals Of Tourism Research March 2020
Borah, A., Banerjee, S., Lin, Y-T., Jain, A., <strong>Eisingerich, A.B.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Improvised Marketing Interventions in Social Media </a> Journal Of Marketing Volume 84, pp.69-91 March 2020
Baldi, F., <strong>Moret, S.</strong>, Tammi, K., Marechal, F. <a target="_blank" href=""> The role of solid oxide fuel cells in future ship energy systems </a> Energy March 2020
<strong>Anderson, E.</strong>, Xu, H., Zhang, D. <a target="_blank" href=""> Varying confidence levels for CVaR risk measures and minimax limits </a> Mathematical Programming Volume 180, pp.327-370 March 2020
<strong>Haugh, M.B.</strong>, Lacedelli, O.R. <a target="_blank" href=""> Scenario analysis for derivative portfolios via dynamic factor models </a> Quantitative Finance Volume 20, pp.547-571 January 2020
Tsai, H., Ren, S., <strong>Eisingerich, A.B.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> The effect of inter- and intra-regional geographic diversification strategies on firm performance in China </a> Management Decision Volume 58, pp.16-38 January 2020
Shao, L., <strong>Anderson, E.</strong>, Chen, B. <a target="_blank" href=""> Achieving efficiency in capacity procurement </a> Foundations And Trends In Technology, Information And Operations Management Volume 14, pp.138-154 January 2020
Kocyigit, C., Iyengar, G., Kuhn, D., <strong>Wiesemann, W.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Distributionally Robust Mechanism Design </a> Management Science Volume 66, pp.159-189 January 2020