Authors Title Journal Volume Publication Date
Lin, Y-T., Wang, W., Doong, H-S. <a target="_blank" href=""> Is Talking About the Future a Curse or a Blessing? The Effects of Future-Focused Message Framing on Fundraising Performance </a> Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management Volume 68, pp.970-981 August 2021
<strong>Haugh, M.B.</strong>, Singal, R. <a target="_blank" href=""> How to play fantasy sports strategically (and win) </a> Management Science Volume 67, pp.72-92 January 2021
<strong>Koca, E.</strong>, <strong>Valletti, T.</strong>, <strong>Wiesemann, W.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Designing Digital Rollovers: Managing Perceived Obsolescence through Release Times </a> Production And Operations Management July 2021
Yue, M-C., Kuhn, D., <strong>Wiesemann, W.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> On linear optimization over Wasserstein balls </a> Mathematical Programming June 2021
<strong>Peura, H.</strong>, Bunn, D.W. <a target="_blank" href=""> Renewable power and electricity prices: The impact of forward markets </a> Management Science Volume 67, pp.4772-4788 August 2021
Du, L., Hu, M., <strong>Wu, J.</strong> <a target="_blank" href=""> Sales Effort Management Under All-or-Nothing Constraint </a> Management Science October 2021