Image of Erkko

Principal investigator: Professor Erkko Autio, Fellow of the British Academy, Chair in Technology Transfer & Entrepreneurship 

Erkko has extensive experience in entrepreneurship and related policy research in emerging economies, and has acted as Principal Investigator for two related projects in Brazil and Thailand. He co-founded the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project and co-authored the annual Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index. His research has been cited over 37,000 times in Google Scholar.

Profile image of Rajesh Nair_ENTREC project

Co-investigator: Professor Rajesh Nair, EnCube Labs and Malaysia Global Innovation & Creativity Center

Rajesh is an inventor, product designer and entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in multiple startups in the Boston area. As one of the founding faculty, he served as Professor of Practice in Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Asia School of Business. His current startup, EnCube Labs, is an education company specialising in training and research in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Profile photo of Raymund Habaradas_ENTREC project

Co-investigator: Professor Raymund Habaradas, De La Salle University

Raymund has worked on several research projects funded by the International Development Research Centre, United States Agency for International Development, World Bank-ASEM and the International Labor Office. His research outputs are in the areas of corporate social initiatives, social entrepreneurship, sustainable tourism, innovation of firms upgrading in global value chains and SME development.


Co-investigator: Associate Professor Randall Shannon, Mahidol University

Randall is a full-time lecturer at the College of Management, Mahidol University in Bangkok. He is also the director of the Masters in Marketing programme and co-director of the consumer life course studies group. He specialises in cross-cultural consumer behaviour and retailing. He has been teaching university courses since 1997 and has published over 150 conference papers and international journal articles. 

Profile photo of Dr Masato Abe of the ENTREC project

Project Partner: Dr Masato Abe, UN ESCAP (outreach partner) 

Masato is an Economic Affairs Officer in the Macroeconomic Policy & Financing for Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok. He has extensive experience in enterprise development with a special emphasis on the SME sector, supply chain management, socially responsible business and access to finance. 

Profile image of Donghyun Park_ENTREC

Project Partner: Dr Donghyun Park, Asian Development Bank (outreach partner) 

Donghyun is currently Principal Economist at the Economic Research & Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Prior to joining ADB, he was a tenured Associate Professor of Economics at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Donghyun has a PhD in economics from UCLA, and his main research fields are international finance, international trade and development economics. 

Yothin Jinjarak_ENTREC

Project Partner: Professor Yothin Jinjarak, Asian Development Bank (outreach partner) 

Yothin is a senior economist at the Asian Development Bank on leave from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His research interests currently cover the socioeconomic impacts of foreign direct investment and the cross-country fiscal/monetary space patterns. Yothin has work experience in New Zealand, Japan, England, Singapore and the US. He is originally from Thailand.

Onyaglanu Idoko

Dr. Onyaglanu Idoko, Research Associate - Imperial College Business School

Onya Idoko is a Research Associate at Imperial College Business School, United Kingdom. Her research interests include entrepreneurship, creativity, emotions, and business models. She is interested in how shocks and surprises lead to creative outputs and the role of emotions during the process. She is also interested in the emergence of Business models.

Yuki Yuan

Yuki (Xueqi) Yuan, Research Assistant - Imperial College Business School

Yuki (Xueqi) Yuan is a doctoral candidate at Imperial College Business School, United Kingdom. Her primary research interest is entrepreneurial resilience, and specifically, how entrepreneurial firms and communities bounce back from the COVID-19 crisis and discover the new normal. She is also broadly interested in digitization, business model innovation, and FinTech startups.

Ian Mia

Ian Benedict R. Mia, Research Assistant - De La Salle University

Ian Benedict R. Mia is a research and technical assistant at the Center for Business Research and Development, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business of De La Salle University. His research interests include business models, social entrepreneurship, and sustainability management.

Shieradel Jimenez

Shieradel V. Jimenez, Research Assistant - De La Salle University

Shieradel V. Jimenez is an assistant professor at the Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business of De La Salle University. She teaches Management of Organizations and Human Behavior in Organizations. She is currently finishing her Doctor of Business Administration degree at the same university. Her research interests include MSMEs, social enterprise, cooperative organization's organizational resilience, and crisis management.

Iking Corpus, EnCube Labs and Malaysia Global Innovation & Creativity Center

Iking Corpus is a passionate development consultant with significant research and policy experience focused on improving sustainable learning and employment outcomes of vulnerable youth in the Asia Pacific. Over the past six years, he has worked with several international organizations such as the Asian Development Bank, Plan International, and EnCube labs.

Murtaza Haider, Mahidol University

Murtaza is currently a PhD student at CMMU Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. His area of research is consumer behaviour with focus on sustainable consumption. He joined the world of academia and research after being self-employed for 20 years in the gem and jewellery industry.

Alfonso Pellegrino, Mahidol University 
Angsaya Siepong, Mahidol University
Gang Wang, Wuhan University