Our academics regularly publish in journals with international impact and readership. Here's a selection of research papers published or accepted for publication, during the current academic year (2024–25).

Accepted Papers: February 2025

Author Title Journal/Volume
Michaelides, Alex Pension Underfunding and the Expected Return on Pension Assets: The Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis Journal of Risk and Insurance
Talluri, Kalyan Estimation using marginal competitor sales information

Journal of Operations Management

Valletti, Tommaso Certification of business practices and algorithms as a complementary approach to platform regulation

The Academy of Management Perspectives

Previous accepted papers

Author Title Journal/Volume
Eisingerich, Andreas Women's Menopausal Experiences in the UK: A Systemic Literature Review of Qualitative Studies. Health Expectations
Liu, Zhe Dual Sourcing Under Internal and External Volatilities M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Stigliani, Ileana Unpacking experimentation in design thinking: Contributions to innovation performance and the moderating role of digital technologies


Roche, Maxime Can differentiated value-added tax rates promote healthier diets? The case of Costa Rica Food Policy
Author Title Journal/Volume
Wiesemann, Wolfram Multi-stage robust mixed-integer programming

Operations Research

Talluri, Kalyan On Dynamic Pricing with Covariates

Operations Research

Gentilini, Arianna Rare Disease Policy in High-Income Countries: An Overview of Achievements, Challenges, and Solutions.

Value in Health

Talluri, Kalyan Technical Note: On Dynamic Pricing with Covariates

Operations Research

Valletti, Tommaso Towards an Effective Merger Review Policy: A Defence of Rebuttable Structural Presumptions

Oxford Review of Economic Policy



Author Title Journal/Volume
Talaifar, Sanaz Lifestyle polarization on a college campus: Do liberals and conservatives behave differently in everyday life?

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Wiesemann, Wolfram Distributionally robust optimization


Ibragimov, Rustam Robust inference on income inequality: t-statistic based approach

Econometric Reviews

Demirci, Ozge How Gen AI Is Already Impacting the Labor Market

Harvard Business Review

Gentilini,  Arianna How are patient inputs considered in HTA? A thematic document analysis of NICE ultra-rare disease appraisals

European Journal of Health Economics

Pizzo, Elena Modeling the Potential Health, Health Economic, and Health Inequality Impact of a Large-Scale Rollout of the Drink Less App in England Value in Health
Author Title Journal/Volume
Laydon, Daniel Policy impact of the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team: global perspective and UK case study

Health Research Policy and Systems

Cory-Wright, Ryan A Stochastic Benders Decomposition Scheme for Large-Scale Stochastic Network Design

INFORMS Journal on Computing

Moore, Celia Passion penalizes women and advantages (unexceptional) men in high-potential designations

Organization Science

Viscusi, Gianluigi Unboxing maturity models: A set-theoretic perspective on e-Government configurations over time

Journal od Strategic Information Systems

Author Title Journal/Volume
Moore, Celia A (Bounded) Preference for Rule Breakers

Academy of Management Discoveries

Kennedy, Mark Beyond the Turing Test: Exploring the implications of generative AI for category construction Organization Theory
Allen, Franklin Inflation, money demand and portfolio choice

Journal of International Business Studies

Eisingerich, Andreas Is there a danger of making customers feel too empowered? Exploring the double-edged sword of customer orientation and creative benefits

European Journal of Marketing

Pizzo, Elena Evaluating an early social communication intervention for young children with Down syndrome (ASCEND): results from a feasibility randomised control trial Pilot and Feasibility Studies
Chemla, Gilles Too much, too soon, for too long: The dynamics of competitive executive compensation The Journal of Finance