Our academics regularly publish in journals with international impact and readership. Here's a selection of research papers published or accepted for publication, during the current academic year (2023–24).


Previous accepted papers

Author Title Journal/Volume
Maesen, Stijn Introducing specialist private labels: How reducing manufacturers’ competing assortment size affects retailer performance

International Journal of Research in Marketing

Maesen, Stijn EXPRESS: Buy Now Pay Later: Impact of Installment Payments on Customer Purchases

Journal of Marketing

Michaelides, Alex Inflation, money demand and portfolio choice

Management Science

Voichek, Guy Positive Contrast Scope-Insensitivity

Public Money and Management

Valletti, Tommaso “Doubt is their product”: the difference between research and academic lobbying

Journal of Consumer Research

Yeomans, Michael Henry Boomerasking: answering your own questions

Journal of Experimental Psychology-General

Andrade, Eduardo Environmental sustainability considerations (or lack thereof) in consumer decision making

International Journal of Research Marketing

Allen,  Franklin Security design: A review

Journal of Financial Intermediation

Allen,  Franklin Alternative Finance in the International Business Context:  A Review and Future Research

Journal of International Business Studies

Zhang, Shuang Do consumers distinguish fixed cost from variable cost? “Schmeduling" in two-part tariffs in energy

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Author Title Journal/Volume
Canonico Martin, Esther Bridges and gatekeepers: Employees' willingness to refer qualified candidates on the autism spectrum

Humna Resource Management

Sundaresan, Savitar Catching outliers: committee voting and the limits of consensus when financing innovation

The Journal of Finance

Talaifar, Sanaz Alphabetical diaries and autobiographical memory in the digital age

Psychological Inquiry

Veiga,  Andre Optimal contract regulation in selection markets

American Economic Journal-Microeconomics

Walther, Ansgar Inside and Outside Information

The Journal of Finance

Liu, Chengwei Kahneman in Quotes and Reflections

Psychological Inquiry

Autio, Erkko Organizational scaling, scalability, and scale-up: Definitional harmonization and a research agenda

Journal of Business venturing

Author Title Journal/Volume
Haugh, Martin An empirical bayes approach for estimating skill models for professional darts players

Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports

Miraldo, Marisa
Propper, Carol
Innovation diffusion among coworkers: evidence from senior doctors

Management Science

Cory-Wright, Ryan Evolving scientific discovery by unifying data and background knowledge with AI Hilbert Nature Communications
Fraser, Jack Early warning of trends in commercial wildlife trade through novel machine-learning analysis of patent filing Nature Communications
Author Title Journal/Volume
Cathcart, Lara Corporate bankruptcy and banking deregulation: The effect of financial leverage

Journal of Banking & Finance

Martinez-Jimenez, Mario Socioeconomic deprivation, health and healthcare utilisation among millennials

Social Science & Medicine

Miraldo, Marisa The Portuguese NHS 2024 reform: transformation through vertical integration Frontiers in Public Health
Miraldo, Marisa Policy implementation and recommended actions to create healthy food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): A comparative analysis in South Asia The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia
Propper, Carol
Valletti, Tommaso
Information and vaccine hesitancy: The role of broadband Internet Europe PubMed Central
Valletti, Tommaso
Veiga, Andre
EXPRESS: Attention Spillovers from News to Ads: Evidence from an Eye-Tracking Experiment

Journal of Marketing Research

Bolton, Patrick Behind schedule: The corporate effort to fulfill climate obligations

Journal of Applied Corporate Finance

Ramadorai, Tarun Refinancing cross-subsidies in the mortgage market

Journal of Financial Economics

Andrade, Eduardo Short- and long-term effects of incentives on prosocial behavior: The case of ride vouchers to a blood collection agency

Social Science and Medicine

Propper, Carol Assessing the quality of public services: For‐profits, chains, and concentration in the hospital market

Health Economics

Distaso, Walter Cross-section without factors: a string model for expected returns

Quantitative Finance

Corley, Kevin Is Pushing the Frontiers of Qualitative Research

Journal of Management

Author Title Journal/Volume
ter Wal, Anne Mobilizing New Sources of Data: Opportunities and Recommendations

Academy of Management Journal

Eisingerich,  Andreas Always on your mind? – investigating consideration sets and private labels at the retailer and category level The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
Peydro, Jose-Luis Bank Capital Requirements and Risk-Taking: Evidence from Basel III Journal of Financial Stability
Pinto, Jonathan Moderators of the Relationship between Turnover Intentions and Performance Journal of Trade Science
Talaifar, Sanaz How artificial intelligence constrains the human experience Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
Clarysse,  Bart Doing good while making profits: A typology of business models for social ventures Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Distaso, Walter Coronavirus Anxiety, COVID Anxiety Syndrome and Mental Health: A Test Among Six Countries During March 2021

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy

Distaso, Walter Intra-islet glucagon signalling regulates beta-cell connectivity, first-phase insulin secretion and glucose homoeostasis Molecular Metabolism
Author Title Journal/Volume
Propper, Carol Competition, Equity and Quality in Public Services European Economic Review
Seiler, Stephan Consumer search: What can we learn from pre-purchase data? Journey of Retailing
Harutyunyan, Mushegh Don’t hurry, be happy! The bright side of late product release Marketing Science
Asher, Samuel (Sam) Intergenerational Mobility in India: New Measures and Estimates across Time and Social Groups American Economic Journal-Applied Economics
Sassi, Franco Supply- and demand-side drivers of the change in the sugar density of food purchased between 2015 and 2018 in Great Britain British Journal of Nutrition
Sassi,  Franco The effectiveness of mandatory vs. voluntary food reformulation policies: a rapid review

British Journal of Nutrition

Peydro, Jose-Luis The real effects of borrower-based macroprudential policy: Evidence from administrative household-level data

Journal of Monetary Economics

Andretti de Mello,  Bernardo (Bernardo)
Andrade, Eduardo
Underestimations of the income-based ecological footprint inequality Climatic Chnage
Andretti de Mello, Bernardo (Bernardo) Longitudinal attenuation in political polarization: Evidence from COVID-19 vaccination adherence in Brazil

Social Science & Medicine

Hsieh, Ying-Ying All DAOs are not the same: distinguishing DAOs across various layers

Journal of Organization Design

Author Title Journal/Volume
Wang Z, Peura H, Wiesemann W Randomized Assortment Optimization Operations Research
Distaso, Walter The vagus nerve mediates the physiological but not pharmacological effects of PYY 3-36 on food intake Molecular Metabolism
Green, Richard Climate ambition, background scenario or the model? Attribution of the variance of energy-related indicators in global scenarios Energy and Climate Change
Andrade, Eduardo Stigmatizing deferrals disproportionally reduce donor return rates: Evidence from Brazil

Vox Sanguinis

Cenci, Simone Overlooked biases from misidentifications of causal structures The Journal of Finance and Data Science
Martin, Ralf,
Muuls, Mirabelle
Does pricing carbon mitigate climate change? Firm-level evidence from the European Union emissions trading system Review of Economic Studies
Talaifar, Sanaz Social media sensitivity: Examining heterogeneity in wellbeing states across people and contexts Scientific Reports
Talaifar, Sanaz Variation in social media sensitivity across people and contexts Scientific Reports
Andrade, Eduardo Stigmatizing deferrals disproportionally reduce donor return rates: Evidence from Brazil

Vox Sanguinnis

Dalpiaz, Elena Organizations, Institutions, and Symbols: Introduction to a Point‐Counterpoint Conversation

Journal of Management Studies

Peydro,  Jose-Luis Nonbank lenders as global shock absorbers: Evidence from US monetary policy spillovers

Journal of Internationla Economics

Quinn, Simon Demand for commitment in credit and saving contracts: a field experiment

Economic Journal

Voichek, Guy Efficiency neglect: Why people are pessimistic about the effects of increasing population

Journal of Experimental Psychology-General

Peura, Heikki Eemeli Randomized Assortment Optimization

Operations Research

Author Title Journal/Volume
Anto A, Asif RO, Basu A, Kanapathipillai D, Salam H, Selim R, Zaman J, Eisingerich AB Exploring the facilitators and barriers to addressing social media's impact on anxiety within primary care: a qualitative study BJGP Open
Khanna S, Rowe K The long-run value of electricity reliability in India Resource and Energy Economics
Soh S, Talaifar S, Harari G Identity Development in the Digital Context Social and Personality Psychology Compass
Haugh M, Caldentey R Multi-Market Cournot Equilibria with Heterogeneous Resource-Constrained Firms Operations Research
Weiss T, Lounsbury M, Bruton G Survivalist Organizing in Urban Poverty Contexts Organization Science
Michaelides A Stock Market Ownership Transitions Management Science
Abadir K, Lubrano M Explicit solution for the asymptotically-optimal bandwidth in cross validation Biometrika
Mansurov K, Semenov A, Grigoriev D, Radionov A, Ibragimov R Cryptocurrency Exchange Simulation Computational Economics
Sassi, Franco Review: Effectiveness and policy implications of health taxes on foods high in fat, salt, and sugar Food Policy
Green, Richard EuroMod: Modelling European power markets with improved price granularity Energy Economics
Viscusi, Gianluigi Crowd mining as a strategic resource for innovation seekers Technovation
Martin, Ralf Managerial and financial barriers to the green transition Management Science
Sassi, Franco Lessons on food security from the COVID-19 pandemic in Bermuda PLOS global public health
Gressier, Mathilde Jeanne Marie Review: Effectiveness and policy implications of health taxes on foods high in fat, salt, and sugar Food Policy
Zhu, Jingmin Long COVID and financial outcomes: evidence from four longitudinal population surveys

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Quinn, Simon Microequity: some thoughts for an emerging research agenda

Oxfrod Review of Economic Policy

Quinn, Simon Microfinance: an overview

Oxfrod Review of Economic Policy

Author Title Journal/Volume
Avdic D, von Hinke S, Lagerqvist B, Propper C, Vikström J Do responses to news matter? Evidence from interventional cardiology J Health Econ
Talaifar, Dr Sanaz Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine Nature Communications
Author Title Journal/Volume
Perkmann, Markus Physician entrepreneurship: A study of early career physicians' founding motivations and actions

Social Science & Medicine

Propper, Carol Socio-economic inequality in the distribution of health care in the UK Oxford Open Economics
Valletti, Tommaso Indirect Savings from Public Procurement Centralization

American Economic Journal-Economic Policy

Ngai, (Rachel)

The Ins and Outs of Selling Houses: Understanding Housing-Market Volatility

International Economic Review

Author Title Journal/Volume
Miraldo, Marisa The role of patient organisations in research and development: Evidence from rare diseases

Social Science & Medicine

ter Wal, Anne  Harness your network to unlock innovation

Harvard Business Review

Cory-Wright, Ryan Sparse plus low rank matrix decomposition: a discrete optimization approach

Journal of Machine Learning Research

Iyer, Raj Contracting when Enforcement is Weak: Evidence from an Audit Study

Review of Finance

Pai, Jieun The Humor Advantage: Humorous Bragging Benefits Job Candidates and Entrepreneurs

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Pinto, Jonathan Do Chameleons Lead Better? A Meta-Analysis of the Self-Monitoring and Leadership Relationship

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Shrier, David Is Your Job AI Resilient?

Harvard Business Review

Author Title Journal/Volume
Eisingerich, Andreas Benedikt Is ownership of brands passe? A new model of temporary usage for durable goods The Journal of Business Strategy
Moore, Celia Fifty years of research on leader communication: what we know and where we are going

Leadership Quarterly

Smith, Emeritus Professor Peter Charles Building on Value-based Health Care: towards a Health System Perspective

Health Policy

Talaifar, Sanaz A Workflow for Human-Centered Machine-Assisted Hypothesis Generation: Comment on Banker et al. (2023)

American Psychologist

Wiesemann,  Wolfram A Unifying Framework for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem under Risk and Ambiguity

Operations Research

Burato, Matteo (Matteo)
Cenci, Simone
Organizational system thinking as a cognitive framework to meet climate targets

Processings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Zhu, Jingmin The association between social integration and utilization of primary health care among migrants in China: a nationwide cross-sectional study

International Journal for Equity in Health

Nanda, Ramana Founder-CEO compensation and selection into venture capital-backed entrepreneurship

Journal of Finance

Zhang, Shuang Bitcoin and carbon dioxide emissions: Evidence from daily production decisions

Journal of Public Economics