Our academics regularly publish in journals with international impact and readership. Here's a selection of research papers published or accepted for publication, during the current academic year (2023–24).
Previous accepted papers
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Maesen, Stijn | Introducing specialist private labels: How reducing manufacturers’ competing assortment size affects retailer performance |
International Journal of Research in Marketing |
Maesen, Stijn | EXPRESS: Buy Now Pay Later: Impact of Installment Payments on Customer Purchases |
Journal of Marketing |
Michaelides, Alex | Inflation, money demand and portfolio choice |
Management Science |
Voichek, Guy | Positive Contrast Scope-Insensitivity |
Public Money and Management |
Valletti, Tommaso | “Doubt is their product”: the difference between research and academic lobbying |
Journal of Consumer Research |
Yeomans, Michael Henry | Boomerasking: answering your own questions |
Journal of Experimental Psychology-General |
Andrade, Eduardo | Environmental sustainability considerations (or lack thereof) in consumer decision making |
International Journal of Research Marketing |
Allen, Franklin | Security design: A review |
Journal of Financial Intermediation |
Allen, Franklin | Alternative Finance in the International Business Context: A Review and Future Research |
Journal of International Business Studies |
Zhang, Shuang | Do consumers distinguish fixed cost from variable cost? “Schmeduling" in two-part tariffs in energy |
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy |
Autio, Erkko Tapio (Erkko) | Digital entrepreneurship landscapes in developing Asia: insights from the Global Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems |
European Journal of Innovation Management |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Canonico Martin, Esther | Bridges and gatekeepers: Employees' willingness to refer qualified candidates on the autism spectrum |
Humna Resource Management |
Sundaresan, Savitar | Catching outliers: committee voting and the limits of consensus when financing innovation |
The Journal of Finance |
Talaifar, Sanaz | Alphabetical diaries and autobiographical memory in the digital age |
Psychological Inquiry |
Veiga, Andre | Optimal contract regulation in selection markets |
American Economic Journal-Microeconomics |
Walther, Ansgar | Inside and Outside Information |
The Journal of Finance |
Liu, Chengwei | Kahneman in Quotes and Reflections |
Psychological Inquiry |
Autio, Erkko | Organizational scaling, scalability, and scale-up: Definitional harmonization and a research agenda |
Journal of Business venturing |
Pellegrino, Filippo | Analysing inflation with semi-structural models |
Research Handbook of Inflation |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Haugh, Martin | An empirical bayes approach for estimating skill models for professional darts players |
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports |
Miraldo, Marisa Propper, Carol |
Innovation diffusion among coworkers: evidence from senior doctors |
Management Science |
Cory-Wright, Ryan | Evolving scientific discovery by unifying data and background knowledge with AI Hilbert | Nature Communications |
Fraser, Jack | Early warning of trends in commercial wildlife trade through novel machine-learning analysis of patent filing | Nature Communications |
Zhu, Xinrong | Inference and Impact of Category Captaincy | Management Science |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
ter Wal, Anne | Mobilizing New Sources of Data: Opportunities and Recommendations |
Academy of Management Journal |
Eisingerich, Andreas | Always on your mind? – investigating consideration sets and private labels at the retailer and category level | The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research |
Peydro, Jose-Luis | Bank Capital Requirements and Risk-Taking: Evidence from Basel III | Journal of Financial Stability |
Pinto, Jonathan | Moderators of the Relationship between Turnover Intentions and Performance | Journal of Trade Science |
Talaifar, Sanaz | How artificial intelligence constrains the human experience | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research |
Clarysse, Bart | Doing good while making profits: A typology of business models for social ventures | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal |
Distaso, Walter | Coronavirus Anxiety, COVID Anxiety Syndrome and Mental Health: A Test Among Six Countries During March 2021 |
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy |
Distaso, Walter | Intra-islet glucagon signalling regulates beta-cell connectivity, first-phase insulin secretion and glucose homoeostasis | Molecular Metabolism |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Propper, Carol | Competition, Equity and Quality in Public Services | European Economic Review |
Seiler, Stephan | Consumer search: What can we learn from pre-purchase data? | Journey of Retailing |
Harutyunyan, Mushegh | Don’t hurry, be happy! The bright side of late product release | Marketing Science |
Asher, Samuel (Sam) | Intergenerational Mobility in India: New Measures and Estimates across Time and Social Groups | American Economic Journal-Applied Economics |
Sassi, Franco | Supply- and demand-side drivers of the change in the sugar density of food purchased between 2015 and 2018 in Great Britain | British Journal of Nutrition |
Sassi, Franco | The effectiveness of mandatory vs. voluntary food reformulation policies: a rapid review |
British Journal of Nutrition |
Peydro, Jose-Luis | The real effects of borrower-based macroprudential policy: Evidence from administrative household-level data |
Journal of Monetary Economics |
Andretti de Mello, Bernardo (Bernardo) Andrade, Eduardo |
Underestimations of the income-based ecological footprint inequality | Climatic Chnage |
Andretti de Mello, Bernardo (Bernardo) | Longitudinal attenuation in political polarization: Evidence from COVID-19 vaccination adherence in Brazil |
Social Science & Medicine |
Hsieh, Ying-Ying | All DAOs are not the same: distinguishing DAOs across various layers |
Journal of Organization Design |
Sharma, Karmini | Demand for Information by Gender: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment |
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Wang Z, Peura H, Wiesemann W | Randomized Assortment Optimization | Operations Research |
Distaso, Walter | The vagus nerve mediates the physiological but not pharmacological effects of PYY 3-36 on food intake | Molecular Metabolism |
Green, Richard | Climate ambition, background scenario or the model? Attribution of the variance of energy-related indicators in global scenarios | Energy and Climate Change |
Andrade, Eduardo | Stigmatizing deferrals disproportionally reduce donor return rates: Evidence from Brazil |
Vox Sanguinis |
Cenci, Simone | Overlooked biases from misidentifications of causal structures | The Journal of Finance and Data Science |
Martin, Ralf, Muuls, Mirabelle |
Does pricing carbon mitigate climate change? Firm-level evidence from the European Union emissions trading system | Review of Economic Studies |
Talaifar, Sanaz | Social media sensitivity: Examining heterogeneity in wellbeing states across people and contexts | Scientific Reports |
Talaifar, Sanaz | Variation in social media sensitivity across people and contexts | Scientific Reports |
Andrade, Eduardo | Stigmatizing deferrals disproportionally reduce donor return rates: Evidence from Brazil |
Vox Sanguinnis |
Dalpiaz, Elena | Organizations, Institutions, and Symbols: Introduction to a Point‐Counterpoint Conversation |
Journal of Management Studies |
Peydro, Jose-Luis | Nonbank lenders as global shock absorbers: Evidence from US monetary policy spillovers |
Journal of Internationla Economics |
Quinn, Simon | Demand for commitment in credit and saving contracts: a field experiment |
Economic Journal |
Voichek, Guy | Efficiency neglect: Why people are pessimistic about the effects of increasing population |
Journal of Experimental Psychology-General |
Peura, Heikki Eemeli | Randomized Assortment Optimization |
Operations Research |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Anto A, Asif RO, Basu A, Kanapathipillai D, Salam H, Selim R, Zaman J, Eisingerich AB | Exploring the facilitators and barriers to addressing social media's impact on anxiety within primary care: a qualitative study | BJGP Open |
Khanna S, Rowe K | The long-run value of electricity reliability in India | Resource and Energy Economics |
Soh S, Talaifar S, Harari G | Identity Development in the Digital Context | Social and Personality Psychology Compass |
Haugh M, Caldentey R | Multi-Market Cournot Equilibria with Heterogeneous Resource-Constrained Firms | Operations Research |
Weiss T, Lounsbury M, Bruton G | Survivalist Organizing in Urban Poverty Contexts | Organization Science |
Michaelides A | Stock Market Ownership Transitions | Management Science |
Abadir K, Lubrano M | Explicit solution for the asymptotically-optimal bandwidth in cross validation | Biometrika |
Mansurov K, Semenov A, Grigoriev D, Radionov A, Ibragimov R | Cryptocurrency Exchange Simulation | Computational Economics |
Sassi, Franco | Review: Effectiveness and policy implications of health taxes on foods high in fat, salt, and sugar | Food Policy |
Green, Richard | EuroMod: Modelling European power markets with improved price granularity | Energy Economics |
Viscusi, Gianluigi | Crowd mining as a strategic resource for innovation seekers | Technovation |
Martin, Ralf | Managerial and financial barriers to the green transition | Management Science |
Sassi, Franco | Lessons on food security from the COVID-19 pandemic in Bermuda | PLOS global public health |
Gressier, Mathilde Jeanne Marie | Review: Effectiveness and policy implications of health taxes on foods high in fat, salt, and sugar | Food Policy |
Zhu, Jingmin | Long COVID and financial outcomes: evidence from four longitudinal population surveys |
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health |
Quinn, Simon | Microequity: some thoughts for an emerging research agenda |
Oxfrod Review of Economic Policy |
Quinn, Simon | Microfinance: an overview |
Oxfrod Review of Economic Policy |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Avdic D, von Hinke S, Lagerqvist B, Propper C, Vikström J | Do responses to news matter? Evidence from interventional cardiology | J Health Econ |
Talaifar, Dr Sanaz | Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine | Nature Communications |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Perkmann, Markus | Physician entrepreneurship: A study of early career physicians' founding motivations and actions |
Social Science & Medicine |
Propper, Carol | Socio-economic inequality in the distribution of health care in the UK | Oxford Open Economics |
Valletti, Tommaso | Indirect Savings from Public Procurement Centralization |
American Economic Journal-Economic Policy |
Ngai, (Rachel) |
The Ins and Outs of Selling Houses: Understanding Housing-Market Volatility |
International Economic Review |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Miraldo, Marisa | The role of patient organisations in research and development: Evidence from rare diseases |
Social Science & Medicine |
ter Wal, Anne | Harness your network to unlock innovation |
Harvard Business Review |
Cory-Wright, Ryan | Sparse plus low rank matrix decomposition: a discrete optimization approach |
Journal of Machine Learning Research |
Iyer, Raj | Contracting when Enforcement is Weak: Evidence from an Audit Study |
Review of Finance |
Pai, Jieun | The Humor Advantage: Humorous Bragging Benefits Job Candidates and Entrepreneurs |
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
Pinto, Jonathan | Do Chameleons Lead Better? A Meta-Analysis of the Self-Monitoring and Leadership Relationship |
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
Shrier, David | Is Your Job AI Resilient? |
Harvard Business Review |
Author | Title | Journal/Volume |
Eisingerich, Andreas Benedikt | Is ownership of brands passe? A new model of temporary usage for durable goods | The Journal of Business Strategy |
Moore, Celia | Fifty years of research on leader communication: what we know and where we are going |
Leadership Quarterly |
Smith, Emeritus Professor Peter Charles | Building on Value-based Health Care: towards a Health System Perspective |
Health Policy |
Talaifar, Sanaz | A Workflow for Human-Centered Machine-Assisted Hypothesis Generation: Comment on Banker et al. (2023) |
American Psychologist |
Wiesemann, Wolfram | A Unifying Framework for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem under Risk and Ambiguity |
Operations Research |
Burato, Matteo (Matteo) Cenci, Simone |
Organizational system thinking as a cognitive framework to meet climate targets |
Processings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Zhu, Jingmin | The association between social integration and utilization of primary health care among migrants in China: a nationwide cross-sectional study |
International Journal for Equity in Health |
Nanda, Ramana | Founder-CEO compensation and selection into venture capital-backed entrepreneurship |
Journal of Finance |
Zhang, Shuang | Bitcoin and carbon dioxide emissions: Evidence from daily production decisions |
Journal of Public Economics |