Our academics regularly publish in journals with international impact and readership. Here's a selection of research papers published or accepted for publications.

Accepted past papers

Author Title Journal/Volume
Allen, Professor Harry Franklin (Franklin)

Was the ICO Boom just a Sideshow of the Bitcoin and Ether Momentum?

Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money
Haskel, Professor Jonathan (Jonathan) Intangible Capital and Modern Economies

Journal of Economic Perspectives

Hsieh, Dr Ying-Ying The Future of the Web? The Coordination and Early-Stage Growth of Decentralized Platforms

Strategic Management Journal

Kusuma, Dr Dian

Disparities in Obesity Rates among Adults: Analysis of 514 Districts in Indonesia

Otner, Dr Sarah Meredith Gee Standing on the shoulders of giants: how star scientists influence their co-authors Research Policy
Cox, Dr Benita Mary What are the barriers and facilitators to seeking help for mental health in NHS doctors: a systematic review and qualitative study BMC Psychiatry
Kusuma, Dr Dian A Scoping Review on Biopsychosocial Predictors of Mental Health among Older Adults International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Segal, Ms Alexa Blair The 'sugar tax' in Bermuda: a mixed methods study of general population and key stakeholder perceptions BMC Public Health
Peydro Alcalde, Professor Jose-Luis Capital controls, domestic macroprudential policy and the bank lending channel of monetary policy

Journal of International Economics

Author Title Journal/Volume
Miraldo, Dr Marisa, Rizmie, Miss Dheeya Ahamed

Impact of extreme temperatures on emergency hospital admissions by age and socio-economic deprivation in England.

Social Science and Medicine
Wu, Dr Jiahua Contingent stimulus in crowdfunding Production and Operations Management
Buraschi, Professor Andrea Financial contagion in network economies and asset prices Management Science
Miraldo, Dr Marisa

Modelling the health impact of legislation to limit the salt content of bread in Portugal: a macro simulation study

Frontiers in Public Health
Ramadorai, Professor Tarun Reference dependence in the housing market American Economic Review
Ross, Dr Jan-Michael (Jan) Using Sports Data to Advance Management Research: A Review and a Guide for Future Research Journal of Management
Talluri, Professor Kalyan Teja Sequential Bidding for Merging in Algorithmic Traffic M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Kusuma, Dr Dian Exposure to Outdoor Tobacco Advertisements Near Home is Associated with Smoking among Youth in Indonesia Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
de Preux Gallone, Dr Laure Bellice Christine Marie (Laure) Impact of extreme temperatures on emergency hospital admissions by age and socio-economic deprivation in England

Cocial Science & Medicine

Tikhonenko, Mr Dmitrii Sequential Bidding for Merging in Algorithmic Traffic Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Segal, Ms Alexa Blair Molecular mediators of the association between child obesity and mental health

Frontiers in Genetics

Wiesemann, Professor Wolfram Data-Driven Chance Constrained Programs over Wasserstein Balls

Operations Research

Peydro Alcalde, Professor Jose-Luis Cross-border interbank liquidity, crises, and monetary policy

Journal of International Economics

Author Title Journal/Volume
Valletti, Professor Tommaso

Platform-based business models and financial inclusion: policy trade-offs and approaches

Journal of Competition Law & Economics
Peydro, Professor Jose-Luis Monetary Policy and Inequality Journal of Finance
Talluri, Professor Kalyan Teja

Revenue management of a professional services  firm with quality-revelation

Operations Research
Nanda, Professor Ramana House Prices, Home Equity and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from U.S. Census Micro Data

Journal of Monetary Economics

Peydro, Professor Jose-Luis Financial crises and political radicalization: how failing banks paved Hitler's path to power Journal of Finance
Wu, Dr Jiahua Contingent Stimulus in Crowdfunding Production and Operations Management
Eisingerich, Professor Andreas Pulling back the curtain: Company tours as a customer education tool and effects on pro-brand behaviors Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Propper, Professor Carol Is hospital quality predictive of pandemic deaths? evidence from US counties Journal of Urban Economics
Koca, Dr Esma, Miraldo, Dr Marisa, Rizmie, Miss Dheeya Ahamed, Wiesemann, Professor Wolfram Optimal hospital care scheduling during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Management Science
Peydro Alcalde, Professor Jose-Luis Monetary policy and inequality Journal of Finance
Voichek, Dr Guy Prosocial nudges and visual indicators increase social distancing, but authoritative nudges do not.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America

Roche, Mr Maxime The case for investment in tobacco control: lessons from four countries in the Americas

Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica-Pan American Journal of Public Health

Skandari, Dr Mohammadreza (Reza) Revisiting the Time Needed to Provide Adult Primary Care

Journal of General Internal Medicine

Lau, Dr Krystal Wei Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Management Science

Author Title Journal/Volume
Olney, Dr Jack Joshua, Sassi, Professor Franco

The impact of ill-health on social mobility: A qualitative study

SSM - Qualitative Research in Health

Perkmann, Professor Markus A new take on the categorical imperative: Gatekeeping, boundary maintenance, and evaluation penalties in science Organization Science
Ross, Dr Jan-Michael (Jan) and Benigni, Stefano Reconceptualizing Imitation: Implications for Dynamic Capabilities, Innovation, and Competitive Advantage Academy of Management Annals
Segal, Ms Alexa Blair The benefits and challenges of taxing sugar in a small island state: an interrupted time series analysis International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Sharapov, Dr Dmitry Governance rigidity, industry evolution, and value capture in platform ecosystems Research Policy
Benigni, Mr Stefano (Stefano) Reconceptualizing Imitation: Implications for Dynamic Capabilities, Innovation, and Competitive Advantage Academy of Management Annals
Olney, Dr Jack Joshua The benefits and challenges of taxing sugar in a small island state: an interrupted time series analysis International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Fini, Dr Riccardo A New Take on the Categorical Imperative: Gatekeeping, Boundary Maintenance, and Evaluation Penalties in Science Organisation Science
Roche, Mr Maxime Lessons learned from fostering tobacco taxes in the Americas and implications for other health taxes

Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica-Pan

American Journal of Public Health

Accepted papers April 2022

Author Title Journal/Volume
Haugh, Dr Martin Brendan Play Like the Pros? Solving the Game of Darts as a Dynamic Zero-Sum Game

Informs Journal On Computing

Tucci, Professor Christopher Louis What If? Electricity as Money Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Kosova, Dr Renata Minimum Wage Increases and Employer Performance:  Role of Employer Heterogeneity

Management Science

Kusuma, Dr Dian Density of Cigarette Retailers Near Facilities for Children and Adolescents in Urban and Rural Areas in Indonesia: A Geospatial Analysis Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
Harutyunyan, Dr Mushegh Consumer Fairness Concerns and Dynamic Pricing in a Channel Management Science
Roche, Mr Maxime Emile Armand Comparing taxes as a percentage of sugar-sweetened beverage prices in Latin America and the Caribbean The Lancet Regional Health – Americas
Pinto, Dr Jonathan Dynamic linkages of empowering and transformational leadership with knowledge sharing in project teams Knowledge Management Research & Practice
Author Title Journal/Volume
Chaturvedi, Professor Sankalp Relational Coordination and Stigma at Work: How Frontline Employees Compensate for Failures in Public Health Systems Journal of Management Studies
Kosova, Dr Renata Does Competition Benefit Complements? Evidence from Airlines and Hotels Management Science
Kusuma, Dr Dian COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Diverse Groups in the UK Is the Driver Economic or Cultural in Student Populations


Maesen, Dr Stijn EXPRESS: The Impact of Organic Specialist Store Entry on Category Performance at Incumbent Stores Journal of Marketing
Miraldo, Dr Marisa Food environment and diabetes mellitus in South Asia: a geospatial analysis of sex and income inequality PLOS Medicine
Kusuma, Dr Dian The impact of the consumer and neighbourhood food environment on dietary intake and obesity-related outcomes: A systematic review of causal impact studies

Social Medicine and Science

Miraldo, Dr Marisa The impact of the consumer and neighbourhood food environment on dietary intake and obesity-related outcomes: A systematic review of causal impact studies Social Medicine and Science
Sassi, Professor Franco The impact of the consumer and neighbourhood food environment on dietary intake and obesity-related outcomes: A systematic review of causal impact studies Social Medicine and Science
Tucci, Professor Christopher Louis Editorial: Perspectives on the value of Big Data sharing

Information Technology & People

Viscusi, Dr Gianluigi Editorial: Perspectives on the value of Big Data sharing

Information Technology & People

Toffolutti, Dr Veronica The association between COVID-19 policy responses and mental well-being: Evidence from 28 European countries

Social Medicine and Science

Kusuma, Dr Dian Food environments and obesity: A geospatial analysis of the South Asia Biobank, income and sex inequalities

SSM – Population Health

Miraldo, Dr Marisa Food environments and obesity: A geospatial analysis of the South Asia Biobank, income and sex inequalities

SSM – Population Health

Miraldo, Dr Marisa The Impact of the Priority Review Voucher on Research and Development for Tropical Diseases

Social Science and Medicine

Barlow, Professor James Gervais Review of a frugal cooling mattress to induce therapeutic hypothermia for treatment of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in the UK NHS/td>

Globalization and Health

Bugaje, Mr Al-Amin Bashir Rethinking the position of natural gas in a low-carbon energy transition

Energy Research & Social Science

Kusuma, Dr Dian, Miraldo, Dr Marisa Food environment and diabetes mellitus in South Asia: a geospatial analysis of health outcome data

PLOS Medicine

Miraldo, Dr Marisa The Impact of the Priority Review Voucher on Research and Development for Tropical Diseases

Pharmaceutical Medicine

Ibragimov, Professor Rustam Equity returns and sentiment Dependence Modeling
Ibragimov, Professor Rustam Predictability of cryptocurrency returns: evidence from robust tests Dependence Modeling
Eisingerich, Professor Andreas Managing More Than Trust: Brand Love and Respect for a Brand Harvard Business Review
Distaso, Professor Walter The benefit of dexamethasone in patients with COVID-19 infection is preserved in patients with diabetes

Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism

Author Title Journal/Volume
Peura, Dr Heikkis Prevent or report? managing near misses for safer operations M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Allen, Professor Franklin Fintech, Cryptocurrencies, and CBDC: Financial Structural Transformation in China Journal of international Money and Finance
Green, Professor Richard Electricity storage and market power

Energy Policy

Talluri, Professor Kalyan Managing lane-changing of algorithm-assisted drivers Transportation Research Part C-Emeging Technologies
Tucci, Professor Christopher Louis   Management and Organization Review
Sefton, Professor James Allan Generational Wealth Accounts: Did Public and Private Inter-Generational Transfers Offset Each Other Over the Financial Crisis?

Economic Journal

Kusuma, Dr Dian Geographic and Socioeconomic Disparity in Child Undernutrition across 514 Districts in Indonesia Nutrients
Miraldo, Dr Marisa Food environment and diabetes mellitus in South Asia: a geospatial analysis of income and gender inequality Social Science and Medicine – Population Health
Viscusi, Dr Gianluigi Distributed sensemaking and organizing in Crowdsourcing: a case study

Impresa Progetto – Electronic Journal of Management (IPEJM)

Autio, Professor Erkko Tapio (Erkko) The origins of capabilities: Resource allocation strategies, capability development, and the performance of new firms

Journal of Business Venturing

Zaffaroni, Professor Paolo Comment on: Identification Robust Testing of Risk Premia in Finite Samples Journal of Financial Econometrics
Sassi, Professor Franco Food environments and obesity: A geospatial analysis of the South Asia Biobank, income and sex inequalities

SSM-Population Health

Author Title Journal/Volume
Barlow, Professor James Gervais Towards successful implementation of artificial intelligence in healthcare practice: A research program JMIR Research Protocols
Cox, Dr Benita Mary The Barriers and Facilitators to the Use of Lifestyle Apps: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
Criscuolo, Professor Paola Inside-Out, Outside-In, or All-in-One? The Role of Network Sequencing in the Elaboration of Ideas

Academy of Management Journal

Nanda, Professor Ramana Venture Capital Booms and Start-Up Financing Annual Review of Financial Economics
Perkmann, Professor Markus Institutional Arbitrage: How Actors Exploit Institutional Difference Organization Theory
Talluri, Professor Kalyan Teja Managing Lane Changing of Algorithm-Assisted Drivers

Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technologies

Viscusi, Dr Gianluigi Distributed sensemaking and organizing in Crowdsourcing: a case study Impresa Progetto – Electronic Journal of Management (IPEJM)
ter Wal, Dr Anne Leendert Johannes (Anne) Inside-Out, Outside-In, or All-in-One? The Role of Network Sequencing in the Elaboration of Ideas

Academy of Management Journal

Author Title Journal/Volume
Perdigao Dias Custodio, Dr Claudia CEO Compensation and Real Estate Prices: Pay for Luck or Pay for Action?

Review of Accounting Studies

Barlow, Professor James Gervais Implementation frameworks for AI translation into healthcare practice: a scoping review (Preprint) Journal of Medical Internet Research
Kosowski, Professor Robert The Correlation Risk Premium: International Evidence

Journal of Banking & Finance

Propper, Professor Carol The impact of mental health support for the chronically ill on hospital utilisation: Evidence from the UK Social Science and Medicine
Raposo Osorio Veiga, Dr Andre Filipe (Andre) Should I stay or should I go? Migrating away from an incumbent platform Rand Journal of Economics
Muuls, Dr Mirabelle, Martin, Dr Ralf Searching for carbon leaks in multinational companies Journal of Environmental Economics And Management
Lee, Dr Jaemin The Role of Attribution in Learning from Performance Feedback: Behavioral Perspective on the Choice between Alliances and Acquisitions Academy of Management Journal
Autio, Professor Erkko Tapio (Erkko) Processes of ecosystem emergence Technovation
Distaso, Professor Walter Partially one-sided semiparametric inference for trending persistent and antipersistent processes Econometrics and Statistics
Author Title Journal/Volume
Eisingerich, Professor Andreas Why Do Customers Want to Learn? Antecedents and Outcomes of Customer Learning

European Journal of Marketing

Barlow, Professor James Towards successful implementation of artificial intelligence in healthcare practice: A research program (Preprint)

JMIR Preprint

Cox, Dr Benita The Barriers and Facilitators to the use of Lifestyle Apps: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies (Preprint) JMIR Preprint
Mikolon, Dr Sven Stigmatized Work and Stigmatized Workers Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
Perkmann, Professor Markus Scaling technology ventures in Africa: new opportunities for research Innovation-Management Policy & Practice
Autio, Professor Erkko Researching ecosystems in innovation contexts Innovation & Management Review
Michaelides, Professor Alex On Optimal Allocations of Target-Date Funds The Journal of Retirement
Michaelides, Professor Alex Limiting Fiscal Procyclicality: Evidence from Resource-Dependent Countries Economic Modelling
Michaelides, Professor Alex Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice with Imperfect Predictors Journal of Banking & Finance
de Preux Gallone, Dr Laure How is the healthcare sector dealing with climate change? Economics Observatory
Weiss, Dr Tim Pacing Entrepreneurs to Success Stanford Social Innovation Review
Author Title Journal/Volume
Anderson, Professor Edward James Capacity Games with Supply Function Competition

Operations Research

Dalpiaz, Dr Elena The Perfume of Traditions: Entrepreneurship and the Resurrection of Extinct Societal Traditions Research in the Sociology of Organizations
Ramadorai, Professor Tarun Who Owns What? A Factor Model for Direct Stockholding Journal of Finance
Viscusi, Dr Gianluigi & Tucci, Professor Chris Mechanisms to Engage an Online Community in Crowdsourcing: Insights from an Idea Contest in Training puntOorg International Journal
Weiss T, Perkmann M, Phillips N Scaling Technology Ventures in Africa: New Opportunities for Research Innovation: Organization & Management
Della Corte, Dr Pasquale Current Account Uncertainty and Currency Premia Management Science
Clarysse,  Bart Sowing the seeds of failure: Organizational identity dynamics in new venture pivoting

Journal of Business Venturing

Accepted papers: August/September 2021

Author Title Journal/Volume
Bhargave, Rajesh Comparing Estimates for Decision-Making: Numerical Processing and Preferences for Underestimates versus Overestimates

Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied (1076-898X)

Skandari, Reza MR The longer-term benefits and harms of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal of General Internal Medicine (0884-8734)

de Preux, Dr Laure Cost-utility analysis of oxybutynin vs. onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) in the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (1660-4601)
de Preux, Dr Laure Cost-Utility Analysis of Antibiotic Therapy versus Appendicectomy for Acute Uncomplicated Appendicitis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (1660-4601)
Stigliani, Ileana The aesthetic dimension of organizing: a review and research agenda Academy of Management Annals (1941-6067)
de Preux, Dr Laure How do we effectively communicate air pollution to change public attitudes and behaviours? A review Sustainability Science
Bhamra, Dr Harjoat Singh High inflation: low default risk AND low equity valuations Review of Financial Studies
Martinez-Toledano, Dr Clara Brahmin Left Versus Merchant Right: Changing Political Cleavages in 21 Western Democracies, 1948-2020 Quarterly Journal of Economics
Valletti, Tommaso Unscrambling the eggs: breaking up consummated mergers and dominant firms Industrial and Corporate Change
Buraschi, Professor Andrea Subjective Bond Risk Premia and Belief Aggregation Review of Financial Studies
Aurino, Dr Elisabetta Trends and Factors Associated with the Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Ghana: A Secondary Analysis of the 2003-2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) Data Public Health Nutrition
Yip, George How Chinese Retailers Are Reinventing the Customer Journey Five lessons for Western companies Harvard Business Review
Della Corte, Dr Pasquale A credit-based theory of the currency risk premium Journal of Financial Economics