Entrepreneurship and innovation

The Centre for Climate Finance & Investment (CCFI) promotes innovation in the climate finance ecosystem. We support commercialisation of climate and environmental analytics built on robust science to facilitate the capital markets to respond to global climate change for the public good. The CCFI works closely the UK Centre for the Greening of Finance & Investment and Imperial College London’s climate innovation initiative, Undaunted , which aims to make London and the UK a great place to start and scale solutions to the climate challenge. It also supports and mentors the student-led Climate Investment Challenge (CIC), a competition that calls on students to develop creative financial solutions and innovations to address climate change.

Logos for the CGFI, Undaunted Greenhouse and Climate Investment Challenge lined up next to eachother

London Innovation Hub

The CCFI co-hosts the CGFI London Innovation Hub which aims to connect and support different constituents (businesses, professionals, academia, policymakers, NGOs) that are seeking to provide climate and environmental solutions to financial institutions.

London Innovation Hub is one of the two CGFI innovation hubs funded by UKRI, Natural Environment Research Council. The physical London hub housed in Imperial is co-hosted by the CCFI and the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment.

birds-eye-view of two hands of dark complexion, cupped around a small seedling plant after it has been placed in the soil


Nurturing Climate FinTech Start-ups

The CCFI is involved in mentoring the climate fin-tech start-ups sponsored by the CGFI in the Greenhouse Accelerator Programme. This unique 12-month programme, embedded within the White City Innovation District, provides access to Imperial’s world-leading expertise, facilities, and networks. It offers startups up to £20k in equity-free grant funding, supporting early-stage innovators who are passionate about tacking climate change. CCFI supports two CGFI-backed companies as part of The Greenhouse Cohort 6 and seeks to support a further two companies as part of Cohort 7. Find out more about the programme.

Inspiring Students to Innovate

The CCFI facilitates and mentors the student-led Climate Investment Challenge (CIC) – an annual competition for university students around the world to develop creative financial solutions to address climate change.  The three CIC Prizes are: Main Competition, Emerging and Developing Markets and Data Analytics.  The CIC Data Analytic Prize is also an initiative of the CGFI London Innovation Hub to award innovative ways to utilise existing climate and environmental datasets to improve the adoption of climate finance.

A group of people stand in front of a media screen with the words ' Climate Investment Challenge' on it it. They are a mix of students and corporate professionals.
Members of the CIC 2023 Organising Committee with the 2023 judging panel

Contact us

Find out more via the links below or email our team to discuss collaborations.