Climate finance markets and instruments are an essential part of fortifying global solidarity on climate change. This includes mobilising capital, scaling-up investment, managing risks, enhancing transparency and accountability, and facilitating international cooperation in the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy. By harnessing the power of finance and investment, these instruments can drive transformative change towards a sustainable and resilient future for all

The sunset sets in orange and yellow behind a looming silhouette of an oil rig, in the middle of the ocean.

Carbon Accounting for Commodity Derivatives

Financial firms and commodity manufacturers must navigate their portfolios and manage greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating the development of methodologies for accurate carbon accounting in commodity derivatives to support net zero strategies, according to a report authored through Imperial Consultants.
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Tops of trees - pine forest

Forestry-Backed Assets Design

New research from the Singapore Green Finance Centre finds that bundling forest investments across forest ages, geographies, and ecosystems can reduce investment risk by half or more.
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Coal mining in Indonesia

The Great Carbon Arbitrage

New research co-authored by Patrick Bolton, Professor of Finance and Economics at the CCFI, demonstrates how the social benefits would outweigh the costs of a transition from coal to renewable energy.
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Race for green finance emerging markets

The Race for Green Capital in Emerging Markets

Emerging markets are highly vulnerable to climate change and require significant amounts of foreign capital to fund transition, mitigation, and adaption measures. EM is not capturing its share of the potential. Our paper explores the reasons why.
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The High Cost of Electricity Price Uncertainty

Removing subsidies and revenue stability for renewable power generators will come at a cost. We estimate that exposure to volatile wholesale power prices will drive up the cost of capital for new renewable power projects.