The Business school is organising a series of activities at the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which will promote faculty research and Imperial College Business School's and Imperial College London's agendae.

Accelerating the Systemic Transition to Just and Sustainable Fashion
The Leonardo Centre on Business for Society, Imperial College London’s centre of excellence on business evolution toward sustainable and inclusive models and PANGAIA, unicorn-value innovator in sustainable clothing materials in collaboration with the Royal College of Art, School of Design, warmly invite you to join us at the kick-off meeting to co-design he Sustainable Fashion System Co-Lab: global platform to accelerate the systemic transition toward a sustainable and just fashion industry.
10.00 CET Monday 16 January
Goals House,Davos Golf Club, Mattastrasse 25, 7260 Davos, Switzerland
Closed roundtable

Architecting a New Financial System
A carefully-curated group of private sector, academic, and government participants to help a developing economy government with its explorations into digital finance.
11.00 CET Monday 16 January
Imperial College Business School @ Promenade 93 - ICEhouse at Hub Culture
Closed workshop

Responsible Business Education as the New Norm
Co-hosted by InTent and The Financial Times
A panel discussion between schools, leading businesses and key networks to identify the key levers to make responsible business education the new norm.
- Naoko Ishii, Professor and Executive Vice-President, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Francisco Veloso, Dean, Imperial College Business School, UK
- Halla Tomasdottir, CEO, the BTeam, USA
- Gail Whiteman, Founder, Arctic Basecamp and Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School, UK
- Moderator: Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times, UK
15.00 CET Monday 16 January
Earth room, SDG Tent, Promenade 139, Davos, Switzerland

Commercialising Climate Innovation
Public-private partnerships are an essential leadership tool for driving systems-level change and mobilising capital at scale. How can the private sector, academic and government participants architect a framework for incentivising institutional capital around more rapid commercialisation of climate innovation?
20.00 CET Tuesday 17 January
Imperial College Business School @ Promenade 93 - ICEhouse at Hub Culture

Nightcap with Chivas and Peter Prentice
Join the legendary Peter Prentice Whisky OG as he shares some special drams from the Chivas Bros Royal Salute Collection in an informal gathering of good friends.
Capacity is limited so we will be managing a one-in, one-out door policy.
21.00 CET Tuesday 17 January
Imperial College Business School @ Promenade 93 - Hub Culture Pavilion

Accelerating the P.A.C.E. of Transitioning Toward Sustainable and Just Mobility Systems
The Leonardo Centre on Business for Society at Imperial College Business School, in collaboration with the Dyson School of Design Engineering, is hosting a roundtable to co-design a global collaborative platform to accelerate the systemic transition toward sustainable and just mobility systems.
10.00 CET Wednesday 19 January
Goals House, Davos Golf Club, Mattastrasse 25, 7260 Davos, Switzerland
Closed roundtable