The adoption of emerging and disruptive technologies requires NATO to operate at a pace of relevance that matches the dynamic technology landscape that surrounds it and to cooperate with a variety of non-traditional actors to achieve this. In July 2020, the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the creation of an Advisory Group on Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDTs). Composed of 12 experts from the private sector and academia, the group provides advice to NATO’s innovation efforts and challenges existing approaches when it comes to the adoption of new technologies. Our principal aim is to provide Allies and NATO with recommendations on how to take action in the adoption of new technologies considering both long-term goals and concrete steps that could be taken in months rather than years. This annual report sets out initial reflections collected over the last months of 2020 and the Group is looking at further developing these in the months ahead. The report opens with a scene-setter on NATO and innovation in an age of EDTs, proceeds with outlining overarching recommendations and then looks at four cross-cutting work strands to make the Alliance more adaptable.