We are exploring the impact of incentives in healthcare systems on the behaviour of providers and consumers of care. Key research issues include the incentives given by costing systems within organisations which produce healthcare, the impact of payment systems on market development, information and regulation of markets in healthcare, and the effect of choice and competition on health care outcomes
Research projects include:
- The incentives generated by financial flows within UK NHS organisations (Chapman; Atun)
- The incentives from the UK system of payment by results on provider quality (Propper)
- The incentives from the UK system of payment by results on provider costs (Miraldo)
- The impact of patient choice on competition and provider outcomes (Propper)
- Health care market management and regulation (Propper)
- Optimal payment by results tariffs with heterogeneous providers (Miraldo)
- The impact of pharmaceuticals reimbursement on prices, quality and market structure (Miraldo)
- Health system performance assessment, with a particular focus on international comparison (Smith)