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Initially working with five countries including Singapore, the team will produce a publicly available digital scenario-based dashboard modelling preparedness levels of over 150 countries, as well as deep-dive studies on specific preparedness interventions. It will also provide evidence on the impact of alternative policy strategies to governments, international health organisations and businesses, and work with partners to create a clear case for investing in pandemic preparedness. This initiative stands out for its multi-disciplinary approach that includes the study of behavioural components in pandemic modelling.


Initiative key aspects

Collaboration: this initiative is a collaboration between the Jameel Institute, Imperial College London School of Public Health, the World Health Organization, Singapore's PREPARE program, and Sweden's Umeå University.

Advanced modelling techniques: utilising pioneering economic-epidemiological modelling, the initiative provides crucial data and insights for public health decisions in the context of pandemics and disease outbreaks.

Incorporating behavioural studies: a unique aspect of this initiative is its focus on studying the behavioural component of pandemic response and preparedness. This involves understanding how human behaviours and societal patterns impact the spread of diseases and the effectiveness of public health interventions.

Digital dashboard for pandemic preparedness: the project develops a digital, scenario-based dashboard to model the pandemic preparedness levels of over 150 countries, offering a comprehensive and accessible resource for global health data.

Impact analysis of policy strategies: the initiative provides evidence on the impact of different policy strategies, aiding governments, international health organisations, and businesses in making informed decisions.

Return-on-investment in preparedness: a key goal is to generate urgently needed evidence on the costs and benefits of investments into pandemic preparedness for countries around the world.

This initiative represents a significant step in understanding and preparing for pandemics, combining economic, epidemiological, and behavioural insights to enhance global public health strategies.

Principal investigator: Professor Katharina Hauck (ICL)

CHEPI lead:  Professor Marisa Miraldo

Funder: Donations from Community Jameel Citadel founder and Kenneth C. Griffin

Partners: Jameel Institute, Imperial College London, Singapore's Programme for Research in Epidemic Preparedness and Response (PREPARE), National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Umeå University Sweden, World Health Organization.

Duration: October 2022 - November 2027 (60 months)


Professor Marisa Miraldo
Sonia Mun
Dr Bernardo Andretti