Entrepreneurship_lightbulb illustration


2 min read

The Leonardo Centre on Business for Society has partnered with Entrepreneurship Sports Generation (ESG) to bring an exciting opportunity for start-ups targeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the UK. 

About ESG

Since its inception in 2020, ESG has brought together over 600,000 entrepreneurs from over 190+ countries, and $600 million in rewards were accessed by the participants. ESG is a vibrant ecosystem of venture funds, private equity organizations, institutions, startup accelerators, and more. ESG aims to connect investors, venture capitalists, experts, and entrepreneurs to ultimately create new job opportunities and build the next generation of changemakers and companies.

ESG provides promising entrepreneurs, at all stages - idea, early, growth, and late, with a platform to unleash their potential and achieve global scale through a uniquely designed competition consisting of City, National, and Confederation events that concludes with an action-packed, highly produced, entirely virtual Global Finals. With knockout rounds, team mascots, virtual stadiums and live audiences, ESG is giving entrepreneurship a sportified twist which makes competing engaging and energizing. 

Participating entrepreneurs can access a range of benefits such as 

  • global network of over 300 investors, accelerators, incubators and venture capital firms. ESG friends and past judges include Eric Schmidt (Former Executive Chairman Alphabet Inc.), Laxman Narasimhan (CEO, Reckitt), Randall Lane (Chief Content Officer & Editor, Forbes), Anastasios (Tassos) Economou (Global Chairman, YPO) and more,
  • USD 25,00 in perks curated in partnership with Amazon Web Services, Oracle, Stripe, HubSpot, FastCTO and many more.
  • a chance to be a part of a made-for-TV ESG Global Finals with over 50 million views.

You can find more information in the ESG Brochure.

The UK Finals will be co-hosted (virtually) with the Leonardo Centre on 7 October.  We have a panel of experts in innovation and entrepreneurship who will select the most promising innovators to progress to the regional finals.

Judging panel:

  • Ben Mumby-Croft, Director of Imperial Enterprise Lab 
  • Dr Christian Hampel, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at Imperial College Business School 
  • Livio Scalvini, Executive Director of the Leonardo Centre on Business for Society
  • Nick Gregg, Head of Investments at Blenheim Chalcot Management Ltd. 

