Two athletes wearing 'KP Snacks' branded sports t-shirts


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CHEPI researchers Dr Tim Chambers’ and Professor Franco Sassi’s latest editorial, Unhealthy sponsorship of sport, published in the BMJ, discusses the merits of implementing a new approach to regulating unhealthy sponsorship in sport.

The editorial highlights how unhealthy products companies exploit sports via sponsorship to improve their public image and promote their products.

They argue for the introduction of specific regulations for sport that cover all unhealthy sponsorship in a unified way, rather than product by product. This includes a universal ban on sponsorship by unhealthy industries, companies and products via a dedicated policy, such as the Governance of Sport Bill that was introduced into the House of Lords in 2014.

They debunk the myth that universal bans on unhealthy sponsorship would undermine the financial viability of sport. Rather, such bans could in fact level the playing field for both sports and sponsors alike, while turning sports back into a health promoting agent.

Link to paper.
