
Angela Duffy

Executive MBA
Job after graduation
Global Strategy & Operations Lead, Astellas Pharma
Year of graduation
Angela Duffy Executive MBA 2020-21
Angela Duffy, Executive MBA
“The electives offered by Imperial’s Executive MBA around subjects such as corporate innovation, AI and organisational change were highly relevant and appealing to me. In addition, the small cohort of just 24 senior professionals provides more opportunity to contribute and therefore learn.”

About you

Why did you decide to study Imperial's Executive MBA?

In deciding where to study my MBA, I considered another school in the UK and also one in the US. As a strategic marketing consultant, I support clients who wish to establish stronger competitive positions via improved digital customer experiences. With this in mind, the electives offered by Imperial’s Executive MBA around subjects such as corporate innovation, AI and organisational change were highly relevant and appealing to me.

In addition, the small cohort of just 24 senior professionals provides more opportunity to contribute and therefore learn. It facilitates deeper conversations; to question, to challenge, and to sense check in an open and trusted environment. These are all elements I looked for in an Executive MBA programme.


What has been the most rewarding part of the programme?

Being on this two-year journey with my cohort has been the most rewarding part of the programme. Strong bonds have already been formed and I’m sure we will work with each other in some form or another in the future. The networking opportunities on offer through the Executive MBA programme and across the College were not something that I truly appreciated before I joined, but I have already experienced their value just 10 months into the programme.

What aspects of the programme do you enjoy the most?

I’ve found the financial modules to be both intense and challenging. Having an understanding of accounting, economics and corporate finance grounds the big picture commercial thinking. I’ve certainly learnt the value of stepping out of my comfort zone.

For every assignment and case study posed, we are given access to the same tools and readings. It’s fascinating to see how this plays out; your skills and experiences – and your gaps – are highlighted as you all work through the exact same problem. You’ll see your classmates do it in an entirely different way. It’s a huge learning in itself on the importance of diversity of thought.  

"I’ve found the financial modules to be both intense and challenging. Having an understanding of accounting, economics and corporate finance grounds the big picture commercial thinking. I’ve certainly learnt the value of stepping out of my comfort zone."

What has been the most challenging part of the programme?

Juggling the demands of the programme with your day job is challenging but not insurmountable. It’s intense and there is very little downtime for any of us, but I am enjoying the experience nonetheless.

How would you describe your cohort?

I would describe my cohort as a group of curious, highly capable, and diverse executives who are all here to hone their skills. They are very international in background and represent a wide range of industries and professions including doctors, accountants, traders, engineers, entrepreneurs and marketers. I am now working with people that I would not have had the opportunity to work with otherwise, and that is proving to be the ultimate learning experience.


What advice do you have for prospective students?

It has been proven that companies with broader representation on corporate boards perform better on their bottom line. There is no standard background or type of person on the Executive MBA programme. If you have a desire to keep learning, adapting and working hard, you will absolutely fit in! 

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