
Mohammed Ghebache

MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time)
Undergraduate education
BSc Computer Science, King’s College London
Year of graduation
Mohammed Ghebache MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time)
Mohammed Ghebache, Business Analytics Online
“MSc Business Analytics provides the necessary skills in data analytics and its applications required to solve complex business problems. The online delivery aspect of the programme helps with the flexibility of being able to study while having a full-time job.”

About you

What work experience/internships did you have before beginning with Imperial College Business School?

I am an experienced software engineer and technical architect with experience working in the financial services industry. In my current role I build software that helps stakeholders with trading, compliance, and management of risk through reporting.

Why did you decide to study MSc Business Analytics (part-time delivery, online) at Imperial College Business School?

Nowadays, data is at the centre of everything we do and knowing the language of data is an imperative skill to have in order to keep up with emerging trends in any domain. MSc Business Analytics provides the necessary skills in data analytics and its applications required to solve complex business problems. The online delivery aspect of the programme helps with the flexibility of being able to study while having a full-time job.

Did you receive a scholarship? If so, what were the benefits of receiving this? 

I was fortunate to have received the Imperial Business Scholarship Award on the strength of my achievements to date, which has been a significant contribution towards my tuition fees.

The programme

What aspects of the programme do you most enjoy the most?

I have enjoyed the practical aspect of the programme in terms of both group work and individual coursework as it helps you see how you can apply the theoretical knowledge into solving real business problems. There is also a high degree of exposure to analytics and its applications which is very intriguing for me personally, and the programme faculty have been tremendously supportive throughout.

Which has been your favourite module so far and why?

I am early on in the programme and have so far enjoyed all the core modules. They build on practical programming skills and theoretical analytical concepts to form a strong foundation for the rest of the programme, useful when tackling advanced topics such as machine learning and others covered in elective modules.

What has been the most rewarding part of the programme?

So far, I would say the most rewarding part of the programme has been how it has enhanced my problem-solving skills in general and taught me further application of analytics into a business context specifically.

"the most rewarding part of the programme has been how it has enhanced my problem-solving skills in general and taught me further application of analytics into a business context specifically."

What has been the most challenging part of the programme? 

I would say balancing work and studies is quite challenging, especially when you have conflicting deadlines on both sides. Working through various assignments, keeping track and completing them to a high standard requires a lot of effort and careful time management.


How would you describe your cohort at Imperial?

My cohort are very talented individuals from diverse backgrounds both culturally and in terms of their industry, so it is amazing to learn from their insights on all manner of topics. There’s a real sense of camaraderie and a ‘we’re all in this together’ mentality which helps us support each other in trying to keep up with work, studies and life.

Have you had opportunities to work/socialise with students across programmes within the Business School?

At the beginning of the autumn term I attended several ice breaker events organised by the College. It was great to getting to know people from outside the programme and learn from their perspectives in their particular fields of study.

How have you benefited from the Business School’s connection to the Imperial College London community?

There is a wide alumni network that current students can benefit from to make new connections, learn from their experiences and gain insights into the marketplace post-graduation. 


What are your future career goals and how have they been realised since being at Imperial?

Having an entrepreneurial spirit on one side and the School’s blend of technology and business exposure on the other side, I feel like I am on the right path to gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to be a technologist with strong business acumen, and acquire the skills in data analysis to solve and analyse business problems more effectively throughout the programme.

Studying online

What have been the benefits and challenges of studying part-time and online?

The benefit of the online mode of study is that it provides the flexibility of studying while continuing a full-time job. The challenging aspect of this is the need to balance study and work deadlines and the expectation to do them both well.

How do you find using the programme’s purpose built learning platform, The Hub?

The Hub is easy to navigate; hosting lectures, notes, videos and quizzes in one integrated platform, and makes it very easy to come back and re-visit the material.

When you’re not studying, what do you enjoy doing?

Outside of my work and studies, I enjoy reading books about business and technology and am also a big sports enthusiast, practicing martial arts, gym and running whenever I am able. I find these activities help take my mind off work and studies.


What advice would you give someone who is thinking about applying for the programme?

The programme is very demanding yet very rewarding and the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. You will be dedicating most of your weekends to it if not more, so consider your choice carefully and whether it is really suited to you. If you feel it is, start diving in early into the quantitative concepts such as maths, programming, statistics, etc. to give yourself a good head start. It’s also good to apply early as it is a very competitive programme and this gives you the best chance of being considered for scholarships.

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