
Stephan Zeman

MSc International Management
Undergraduate education
BSc Business Administration, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Year of graduation
Stephan Zeman, MSc International Management 2019-20, student at Imperial College Business School
Stephan Zeman
“Never in my life have I experienced something as challenging and fun at the same time as our Leadership in Action trip to São Paulo. Solving the problem of a small Brazilian firm in just five days with unexpected hurdles was stressful and demanding. At the same time, I highly enjoyed exploring the city of São Paulo and immersing into the Brazilian cuisine and culture”

About you

What work experience/internships did you have before beginning with Imperial College Business School?

Before starting my Master’s at Imperial, I had the opportunity to gain internship experience in different companies and industries. I interned in strategy consulting, M&A and audit as well as at a German automotive OEM. This helped me to explore which career path I wanted to pursue after graduation.

Why did you decide to study MSc International Management at Imperial College Business School?

Being able to learn from world-class faculty as well as the internationality of Imperial College Business School motivated me to study the MSc International Management. I have always enjoyed collaborating with students from different cultural backgrounds as well as learning about their different life experiences and worldviews. Additionally, the programme is highly practical and equips us students very well for a career in consulting or finance.


What aspects of the programme do you enjoy the most?

I especially enjoyed the electives. Being able to choose from such a variety of different modules allowed me to perfectly tailor my learning experience at Imperial to my areas of interest.

"Being able to choose from such a variety of different modules allowed me to perfectly tailor my learning experience at Imperial to my areas of interest."

What has been the most challenging part of the programme? 

For me the most challenging, and at the same time the most rewarding, part of the programme is constantly working together with so many people from various academic and cultural backgrounds. On the one hand, it is of course challenging to work on group assignments with students that have a very different way of organising work or communicating than oneself. On the other hand, learning from each other and achieving goals together is highly rewarding.

How was the Leadership in Action module and international trip* to São Paulo beneficial to you?

Never in my life have I experienced something as challenging and fun at the same time as our Leadership in Action trip to São Paulo. Solving the problem of a small Brazilian firm in just five days with unexpected hurdles like a strong language barrier or a partial flooding of the city (surprised we learned that this is nothing unusual there) was stressful and demanding. At the same time, I highly enjoyed exploring the city of São Paulo and immersing into the Brazilian cuisine and culture (I just say Caipirinhas).


What clubs, societies or other activities have you been involved in at Imperial? Do you hold a student leadership position?

I really enjoyed being a Student Ambassador at Imperial. When I applied to the Business School, being able to speak to Student Ambassadors and discuss the programmes and the life at Imperial with them was vital in my decision-making process. So, I felt it as an important responsibility to now help other students explore which Master’s programme or career path is the best for them.

How have you benefited from the Business School’s connection to the Imperial College London community?

In the Climate Change and Business Strategy elective I took, researchers from different departments of Imperial College London – from physics to engineering and geology – shared important insights into their research. It was really interesting to learn about scientific aspects of climate change as well as solutions currently being developed by researchers and engineers and connect then them to the business world.

London location

When you’re not studying, what do you enjoy doing?

Playing sports at Imperial’s Ethos gym, exploring London and cooking with my friends.

If you had to move to London for the programme, what have been the benefits and challenges of moving to London?

I grew up in a small town in the Austrian Alps, so moving to a megacity like London was certainly a big change for me. London offers so many different cultural, culinary, sporting and entertainment opportunities. My most important piece of advice is to try as many different things as possible and enjoy the time you have in London.


What advice would you give someone who is thinking about applying for the programme?

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us” (Tolkien, 1954). Carefully think about what you want to do in your future life, what motivates you and what makes you happy. And then choose a university and a career path that will get you there.

*Previous classes travelled to Brazil and India with the Leadership in Action module. The future locations students will travel to on the module are not confirmed.

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