
Stuart Beards

Executive MBA
Undergraduate education
University of Hull, Master’s degree, Physics with Astrophysics
Job after graduation
Director - Operations at Gallagher
Year of graduation
Stuart Beard
Stuart Beards, Executive MBA 2023
“Imperial College Business School instantly stood out as the ideal choice, offering a comprehensive curriculum that aligned with my career goals and a vibrant community of students from diverse backgrounds and sectors.”

Read Stuart's story

What was your career experience prior to studying this programme? 

My adventure commenced back in 2012 when I joined Griffiths & Armour Insurance Brokers in Liverpool as an insurance broker on their graduate scheme. In 2017, the allure of the bustling London insurance market led me to an exciting opportunity at Gallagher, as a client service account manager in the company’s Major Risks team. 

Throughout my time at Gallagher, I’ve had the opportunity to move within the organisation and work across a variety of teams and roles. Prior to starting the Executive MBA I held the role of Associate Director – Operations in the Gallagher Major Risk Practice division, leading the operational arm of the division. 

Why did you choose to study the Executive MBA at Imperial College Business School? 

The decision to study at Imperial College Business School was the result of extensive research and careful consideration. Several factors played a significant role in my choice. One key aspect that attracted me to Imperial was the intimate classroom size. I desired a programme with a smaller cohort, allowing for more personalised interaction, meaningful connections, and a tight-knit community of like-minded individuals. Imperial's cohort size aligned perfectly with my preferences, offering an environment conducive to collaboration and mutual support. 

Moreover, I sought a university and programme that resonated with my aspirations and provided a perfect fit for my professional journey. Imperial College Business School instantly stood out as the ideal choice, offering a comprehensive curriculum that aligned with my career goals and a vibrant community of students from diverse backgrounds and sectors. 

"The Business School's strong network of alumni, industry connections, and corporate partnerships has provided invaluable opportunities for networking, mentorship, and accessing new career prospects."

How are you planning to use your MBA for your future career? 

The comprehensive curriculum of the Executive MBA programme at Imperial College Business School, equips me with a diverse range of business acumen, including finance, strategy, marketing, and leadership, which I intend to apply in practical ways across industries and roles.  One of my primary goals is to assume a senior executive position, such as a Chief Operating Officer, where I can make strategic decisions and drive organisational success. I aim to leverage the insights and expertise gained during my MBA to understand the broader business landscape and effectively communicate in the language of business. 

How has the career support at the Business School helped you achieve your goals? 

As part of the Executive Leadership Journey, we are assigned a careers coach to help support and coach you throughout the EMBA. I’ve found this resource invaluable, and my coach has helped me work on my career goals. As I commence the second year, I did secure a promotion.  

The career support provided by the Business School has been instrumental in helping me navigate and achieve my professional goals. The dedicated careers coach assigned to me as part of the Executive Leadership Journey has been a valuable resource throughout my EMBA journey. Their guidance, insights, and personalised coaching have played a significant role in shaping my career trajectory and refining my career goals. 

I am pleased to share that as I embark on the second year of my EMBA programme, I have been able to secure a promotion in my current role. The knowledge, skills, and network acquired through the Business School have undoubtedly contributed to this achievement. The programme has equipped me with a broader business perspective, refined leadership capabilities, and a deeper understanding of strategic decision-making, all of which have had a direct impact on my professional growth and advancement. 

Furthermore, the Business School's strong network of alumni, industry connections, and corporate partnerships has provided invaluable opportunities for networking, mentorship, and accessing new career prospects. Through career fairs, industry panels, and alumni events, I have been able to expand my professional network, gain insights into various industries, and explore new avenues for career progression. 

imperial student talking

What are you enjoying learning about the most? 

The Executive MBA programme has exposed me to a wide range of fascinating subjects, each offering valuable insights and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Among the diverse array of topics, a few have stood out as particularly captivating for me: 

  1. Executive Leadership Journey: This series of modules has been instrumental in honing my leadership skills. I have gained a comprehensive understanding of effective leadership practices, including self-awareness, motivating teams, and navigating the complexities of a technology-driven world. The highlight of this journey was an immersive weekend in Windsor, where I had the privilege of working alongside esteemed guest speakers, such as Olympic Rower Greg Searle. The practical strategies and inspiring stories shared during this experience have been truly transformative. 
  2. Managing Negotiations: This hands-on elective has equipped me with a deep understanding of negotiation principles, strategies, and relationship management techniques. The passion and energy displayed by Dr. Jonathan Pinto, our module leader, made this module particularly engaging and the skills I have acquired in this area will not only benefit my business career but also enhance my interactions in all aspects of life. 
  3. Operations Management: This module has provided me with valuable insights into key concepts and best practices in operations management. Given my role in operations, I have been able to immediately apply the learnings to my professional responsibilities. The ability to bridge theory and practice in real-time has been immensely rewarding. 

Beyond the individual subjects, one of the most enjoyable aspects of the programme has been the vibrant learning environment. The Executive MBA has fostered a collaborative and enriching cohort, consisting of diverse backgrounds and experiences. Engaging in in-class discussions and case studies with my peers has deepened my understanding and allowed me to gain unique perspectives. 

"The programme has been instrumental in helping me stay abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of industry trends, themes, and challenges."

How does the programme help you stay up to date with evolving industry trends, themes and challenges in the real world? 

The programme has been instrumental in helping me stay abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of industry trends, themes, and challenges. One of the standout features of the programme is the exceptional expertise of the lecturers who are leading experts in their respective fields. Their wealth of knowledge and real-world experience provides valuable insights into current industry trends and emerging challenges. 

In addition, the programme has welcomed guest speakers from diverse industries and backgrounds, offering first-hand insights into the challenges and opportunities in the real world. These guest speakers have shared their experiences, success stories, and lessons learned, providing a valuable connection between classroom learning and practical application. 

The curriculum is designed to be dynamic and responsive to current industry demands. Case studies, group projects, and assignments often revolve around real-world scenarios, allowing us to analyse and address contemporary challenges. This practical approach enables us to not only understand theoretical concepts but also apply them to real-world situations, fostering a deeper understanding of industry dynamics. 

EMBA international experience (berlin)

What advice would you give to someone who’s considering applying for this programme?  

Firstly, take the time to truly understand your motivations for pursuing an MBA. Reflect on your career goals, and aspirations, and how this programme aligns with them. This clarity will not only help you make an informed decision but also serve as a strong foundation throughout your journey. 

It is crucial to conduct thorough research on the programme structure, content, and elective options. Ensure that they resonate with your areas of interest and align with your professional development needs. This will allow you to tailor your learning experience and make the most of the programme's resources. 

Being prepared is essential for a successful MBA journey. Anticipate the challenges that lie ahead and ensure you are mentally and academically ready to tackle them. Early conversations with your employer will help establish support and potentially create opportunities for collaboration or sponsorship. Additionally, involving your family or partner in the decision-making process is crucial to ensure they understand the commitment and can provide the necessary support. 

Lastly, if you are genuinely considering pursuing an MBA, I encourage you to seize the opportunity. Many individuals in my cohort express the sentiment of wishing they had pursued the programme sooner. Don't let uncertainty or hesitation hold you back. 

"I am pleased to share that as I embark on the second year of my EMBA programme, I have been able to secure a promotion in my current role. The knowledge, skills, and network acquired through the Business School have undoubtedly contributed to this achievement."

Stuart beards post exam

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