Alumni who graduated more than three years ago are welcome to use some of the services offered to existing students and recent alumni, such as the Careers Service Information Room and reference library. Generally we do not offer individual help to alumni who have worked for more than three years. This is mainly because the service is resourced to assist new or recent graduates of Imperial College rather than those who are more advanced in their career path.
See below what help and assistance is available. Please see our supporting you pages for the latest information on Careers Service access and opening hours.
If you are an alumnus of the Imperial College Business School, please contact the Business School Careers for information about their provision to alumni.
Imperial Plexus
From seeking advice to finding a new community, Imperial Plexus is an intuitive online platform for alumni; connecting you directly with Imperial and with each other.
- Build a professional and social network
- Search for alumni who share your city, your interests or your industry
- Contact old classmates, share your news and send a message to a friend
- Explore exclusive volunteering and job opportunities
- Get regular updates, tailored to your interests and location
- Find Imperial and alumni events in your area
- Share your location or upcoming trips to connect with local alumni
- Access online resources, Campus libraries or the Union Bar