Your CV was reviewed and classified as “Looks good” by a member of staff in the Careers Service.

This is the highest of our three classifications (looks good/needs some work/not up to standard) and means that your CV has followed the general principles of a good CV. Your CV is of a reasonably high standard for the purpose you told us it would be used for.


  • No CV will be 100% perfect and there may be some minor improvements to consider before you use the document for its intended purpose. 
  • Your reviewer may have provided some suggestions for improvement within the feedback email you received that directed you to this webpage. 
  • You should use the comments received and consider the below information to make amendments before using your CV.

It is your responsibility to ensure the CV is fully targeted and formatted for the opportunity and organisation you are applying to. Continue to tailor your CV for each role you apply to by reading each advertisement carefully.

Ask yourself the following questions

  • Have you included all relevant experience that could demonstrate your abilities for the opportunity? We can’t see what you might have left out that could add value.
  • Have you matched your language style to the organisation to make it easier for the recruiter to identify your relevant skills/experiences?
  • Is there consistency in your formatting i.e. font size, use of bold; italics; underlining and within bullet point size and indentation? Attention to detail is key to success.
  • Has your CV got an appropriate file name? Ensure your name is in the file name(e.g. Jane Smith CV 2024) as recruiters receive thousands of CVs.
  • Consider sending a PDF version of your document so that your formatting is fixed.

When you can answer yes to all the above, then the CV is in good condition and ready to send.

Further help

If you require further advice on the above topics, please review our CV and resumes webpage. Additionally, if you are required to send a cover letter with your CV or complete an application form, you should ensure that these documents are of a suitably high quality too.

Read the Careers Service publication CVs, Cover Letters and Personal Statements, which contains key information and a variety of example CV documents.

We hope the above information is useful to help you to target your CV and do consider that CVs often need slight changes made to be fully targeted for each opportunity or organisation you apply to.

For some opportunities you apply to you may also be required to complete a video interview shortly after submitting your CV. Check out our interviews support including Shortlist.Me where you can practice responses to typically interview questions and reflect on your responses to help you improve and gain confidence.

If you have any questions that you are unable to address yourself or via our online resources, then please do consider booking an appointment with a member of our team via JobsLive. You can also discuss other topics around career planning, job hunting, further study options, or applications and interviews in our appointments.

Please see our My CVs terms and conditions for further details.