We produce ultracold molecules by direct laser cooling. We are using these to:

  • Study collisions between ultracold atoms and molecules and cool molecules to quantum degeneracy
  • Explore many-body quantum physics using ordered arrays of interacting molecules
  • Develop a molecule chip where trapped molecules can interact strongly with microwave photons
  • Develop a clock based on the fundamental vibrational transition of a molecule and use it to test the stability of fundamental constants
  • Measure the electron's electric dipole moment.


Current Projects

Laser Cooling

 Laser cooling and magneto-optical trapping

Using lasers to cool molecules to micro-Kelvin temperatures.

Laser Cooling

 Collisional cooling towards quantum degeneracy

Sympathetic and evaporative cooling towards a Bose-Einstein Condensate



Capturing single molecules in ordered arrays of tweezer traps


 Molecule Chip

Trapping molecules in microstructured surface traps and integration with superconducting microwave resonators

Current Projects