ChemEng Enterprise: tackling global challenges a spinout at a time 

Translating scientific discovery and research results into applied solutions is not easy, as the path from breakthrough to commercial transition is fraught with obstacles.

The Department has an excellent track record of translating its innovative research into successful deep-tech companies, including Process Systems Enterprise, the top exit from Imperial in the last 20 years (and one of the top 10 exits from any UK university in the last decade).

To further harness the value and potential of our world-leading research, our ChemEng Enterprise strategic initiative, unique within Imperial’s departments, supports student and staff in developing their entrepreneurship talent and expertise, to maximise the chances of a successful launch and commercial impact.

We are extremely proud to have originated some highly innovative deep tech spinouts in the materials, energy, sustainability, biotech and software areas. Explore our success stories

What we offer

Local hands-on support for very early-stage projects is provided in a range of targeted ways, including:

  • Scouting: Working with academics, postdocs and PhD students to identify potential commercialisation opportunities at the earliest possible research stage.
  • Protecting: Stimulating and supporting potential invention disclosures, development of IP protection and spinoff opportunities.
  • Financing: A successful Pre-Seed Fund, providing initial financial support for demos and business planning, to the point where a robust application can be made through College and other funding can be sought.
  • Mentoring: (directly and involving industry experts) and network-building for would-be founders.
  • Organising: networking events, such as the inaugural 2023 an annual ChemEng Enterprise Day, bringing together our enterprising researchers with alumni and early-stage investors.
  • Reviewing: Pro-actively reviewing and managing the Chemical Engineering portfolio, liaising with and feeding into broader Imperial College initiatives, Imperial Commercialisation, other funding schemes, accelerators and so on.

Introducing the above pro-active processes has turbocharged translation in the department, with as many companies launched in the last four years as in the previous twenty, and a very long pipeline of new prospects.