Neurodiversity banner by Miss Luna Rose


“Neurodiversity from the lens of neurodiverse university students” is a project led by Dr. Vijesh Bhute from the Department of Chemical Engineering to learn about the journey of neurodiverse individuals through their lens, to understand how they experience day-to-day life as a university student.

Use the links below to learn more about the project and hit the ‘Check eligibility’ button to participate in this research!


Project neurodiversity


  • 15% to 20% of the population exhibit some form of neurodiversity. Left undiagnosed, individuals can feel self­doubt, and lose their confidence as well as sense of belonging. This can especially impact university students.
  • While the diagnosis rates have been increasing in the past decade, there are still cultural and societal barriers which can stigmatise being neurodiverse.
  • A lack of awareness of what constitutes being neurodiverse and how people perceive neurodiverse individuals further compounds this issue.
  • Highlighting individual stories and experiences as well as providing a rounded view of people’s perception can raise awareness and potentially, destigmatise neurodiversity and encourage individuals to reflect, assess, and seek diagnosis.
  • You can find more about neurodiversity here: Types of Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence [2023 DEI Resources] | Diversity for Social Impact
  • We are seeking student participants from the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Department of Chemistry, in the first instance. 

Aims of the project

  • This study is aimed to gather examples and experiences from neurodiverse university students (undergraduate, masters and PhD students) with a goal to raise awareness about various neurodiverse conditions and identify relevant resources and tools used by the students to navigate university.

Expected outcomes

  • Share journeys and experiences of neurodiverse university students
  • Identify key learning resources which can benefit neurodiverse students
  • Develop resources (avatars, storyboards, leaflets, bookmarks, etc.) to raise awareness among students and staff

Source of funding

Stage 1: Eligibility check and consent (October-December):

  • The study will first invite students to participate in a survey which will conduct an eligibility check.
  • Participants will be provided with the participant information sheet as well as privacy notice for review before consenting (see project documents section for reviewing these and other project-related documents)
  • We will also request for further information about your preferences if you do wish to participate in this study

Stage 2: Interviews (November – March)

  • The second stage of the study will involve interviews/focus groups to learn more about student experiences of being neurodiverse in general and specifically at university.
  • The objective is to learn from various experiences and learn more about the various tools and resources used by neurodiverse individuals.
  • To accommodate students, several options of participation will be offered including online interview (via MS Teams), online focus group (via MS Teams), in person interview, in person focus group, and even offline answering of the questions in some circumstances.
  • Refreshments will be provided for in person options.

Stage 3: Analysis and awareness resources (December – July)

  • Patterns and common themes will be analysed from the interviews and engaging content will be developed to spread the awareness among students and staff at Imperial College London about being neurodiverse. These include avatars, bookmarks, leaflets, as well as a seminar to discuss about our findings.