Many of you will need references from the Department as you progress through the course, and apply for internships, UROP posts, accommodation and finally jobs or positions at the end of the course. You should always seek these from your personal tutor, who should always oblige by doing these promptly. The best approach is to send your updated CV and the request to your personal tutor, and if you are worried to check up with them that they have done it. Sometimes however it may transpire that your tutor is away, or there is some other reason why they cannot do it. In this case, I want to make sure that the Department can still provide the support you need. Therefore we have created an email address that comes to the UG Office and the HoD Office. If you are having trouble getting a reference by a deadline, and have already tried your personal tutor, then please send an email and an updated CV to the address below, letting us know what you need.

Further, once you finally complete 4th year design and final exams and enter the hallowed halls of our alumni, you may still need our support with references. My experience suggests that this is especially true for the first few years after you leave, when you may move in and out of jobs and companies, and perhaps also postgraduate courses. Once again, please always contact your former personal tutor. If this does not evoke a response, or they are no longer available, please send an email to the address below and we will get you the support you need: 

Please try to send your requests with as much notice as possible, and at least 1-2 weeks before the deadline. If urgent, you may want to follow up with a phone call explaining your constraints.

The reason we are here is to give you the best education we can; and it’s important to myself and all the staff that we support you all the way through the course and after it, to make sure you are as successful as you want to be.

Nilay Shah FREng
Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering


Find out more

Admissions Tutor
Dr Andreas Kogelbauer

T: +44 (0)20 7594 5569

View our course information on the Study website

Please see the student terms and conditions information on the Imperial College London website important information that you need to be aware of prior to becoming a student at Imperial.

Research showcase

During the fourth and final year, undergraduate students present their research project as a scientific paper. 

This provides excellent insight into their research outputs during their time at Imperial Chem Eng - and we have made these papers available to explore