CNRS-Imperial International Research Centre (IRC) Connect Fund

Imperial and CNRS are launching their new Connect Fund to seed projects in their International Research Centres


Aims of fund

This fund aims to grow the research, innovation and entrepreneurship collaborations between Imperial and CNRS as part of the CNRS-Imperial International Research Centre for Transformational Science and Technology, with a key focus on a convergence science approach to addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals.  The fund aims to seed activities that develop new Imperial-CNRS networks and collaborations that can scale-up convergence science consortia to target various funding opportunities which contribute to the mission of the IRC (see Appendix 1).  Applications must be made by a permanent member of Imperial staff and include a CNRS co-lead.   Each proposal can receive up to £10,000 of funding. The application deadline is:  31 October 2024.


The CNRS-Imperial International Research Centre (IRC) for Transformational Science and Technology (IRC) was launched in April 2022 and is one of a few global IRCs organised by CNRS with key partners, and it is the only IRC in the UK and Europe.  The IRC brings together the complementary strengths of both institutions to address larger societal grand challenges.  

While launched only two years ago, the IRC has already provided a framework and impetus for the development of new collaborations, most notably the expected launch of the Ayrton Bleriot Engineering International Research Lab (ABEL) set to launch in January 2025, the International Research Project in Integrative Metabolism and Precision Medicine launched in January 2023, and the International Research Network in Physics (AdvancinG TechnOlogy, AppLications anD FundaMentals In Coherent NanosourcEs – GOLDMINE) launched in April 2024, and a renewal of the Abraham de Moivre International Research Lab signed in April 2024 which expands collaborations in Mathematics.


The funding can be used to develop or expand Imperial-CNRS networks, or to create new or scale up existing collaborations in research, innovation and entrepreneurship.  The proposed collaborations must do one of the following: a)  develop Horizon Europe or other external funding opportunities (establishing a network with general work programmes in mind is acceptable, or PIs may have a specific call in mind and use the funding to help write the proposal for that), b) engage industry or other external partners in research, innovation or entrepreneurship activity that benefits the IRC, c) develop CNRS collaboration mechanisms such as an International Research Lab, or d) grow the IRC’s research, innovation or entrepreneurship activities in another way not identified above but which address one of the IRC aims outlined in Appendix 1.

Thematic areas

Proposals should note how the activity will develop or support one of the three IRC interdisciplinary pillars/thematic areas: health, sustainability, and connectivity (see chart below) and/or support the strategic development of existing IRLs, IRNs or IRPs.


Funding and Project Duration

The maximum award amount per project is £10,000, and activities and funding must conclude by 31 July 2025.  Funding will be transferred to the Imperial applicant but can be used to cover approved expenses of CNRS and Imperial staff eg workshop expenses at CNRS site in France.

Funds can be used for the following:

  • Student support costs (e.g., student bursaries)
  • Limited Research Consumables
  • Travel/Accommodation/Subsistence
  • Small project-related equipment
  • Funding for proposal development including contributions towards support services such as proposal writing;
  • Funding to support capability-mapping to target external funding opportunities (e.g buyouts of a PhD student or Postdoc time);
  • Networking events such as workshops, training academies and seminars to bring together ECR researcher communities to foster new links, or strengthen existing collaborations.

The following costs are not eligible:

  • Salary
  • Bench fees
  • Indirect and estate costs

Contacts International Relations Office

Heather Kerst: Senior International Relations Manager - Europe:

Lucile Génin: International Relations Officer - Europe & Americas: